Welcome to the nosqldb package

The nosqldb.py module provides Python client access to Oracle NoSQL Database stores. For overview information on how to use this module, see the Oracle NoSQL Database Python Driver Quick Start.

This module requires the use of a proxy server which translates network activity between your Python client and the store. The proxy server is written in Java. For best results, run the proxy server on the same local machine as your Python client, and use just one proxy for each Python client in use.

Store Operations

This section contains classes used to configure and manage connections to the proxy server and to the Oracle NoSQL Database Store.


class nosqldb.Factory

Creates and opens a store connection using the open() method, which returns a Store instance. This instance is used for all store read and write operations.

static open(server_addr, store_config, proxy_config=None)

Opens a connection to the proxy server and, from there, to the Oracle NoSQL Database store. If a properly configured ProxyConfig instance is provided to this method, then this method is capable of automatically starting the proxy server if it is not already running.

When you are done with the Store object returned by this method, close it using the Store.close() method.

For example, to open a connection to a store where the proxy server is already running:

from nosqldb import ConnectionException
from nosqldb import Factory
from nosqldb import StoreConfig

import logging
import sys

store_host_port = "n1.example.org:5000"
proxy_host_port = "localhost:7010"

# configure and open the store
def open_store():
        kvstoreconfig =
            StoreConfig('MyNoSQLStore', [store_host_port])
        return Factory.open(proxy_host_port, kvstoreconfig)
    except ConnectionException, ce:
        logging.error("Store connection failed.")
  • server_addr – A string in the format of hostname:port which represents the location where the proxy server can be found. This parameter is required.
  • store_config – A StoreConfig object. This parameter is required.
  • proxy_config – A ProxyConfig class instance.

A Store object if successful, and an exception otherwise.

Raises ConnectionException:

If the connection was unsuccessful.


class nosqldb.ProxyConfig(kvstore_jar=None, kvproxy_jar=None)

Contains information required to start a proxy in the event that a proxy is not currently running. To initialize this class, you can optionally provide paths to kvstore.jar and kvproxy.jar files located on your local drive. By default the system attempts to use the versions of these files bundled with the installation. Specify these if your installation does not have them or you want to use non-default versions.

The location of the jar files provided to this class overrides whatever is specified in your KVSTORE_JAR and KVPROXY_JAR environment variables.

  • kvstore_jar – The location of the kvclient jar. This parameter is required.
  • kvproxy_jar – The location of the proxy jar.

Returns the expiration timeout for an iterator in milliseconds.


Returns the path to the kvproxy.jar file.


Returns the path to the kvstore.jar file.


Returns the maximum number of requests that this client can have active for a node in the store.


Returns the maximum number of active requests allowed between the proxy server and the store.


Returns the number of results retrieved by Store.table_iterator() or Store.index_iterator() in a single call to the server.


Returns the number for maximum number of active iterators on a connection.


Returns an integer value representing the maximum number of result batches that can be held in the proxy server process.


Returns the maximum number of active requests that can be associated with a node when the request limiting mechanism is active.


Returns the number of request handler threads configured for the proxy.


Returns the maximum number of requests that this client can have active for a node in the store.


Returns the threshold computed as a percentage of max_active_requests at which requests are limited.


Returns the default request timeout.


Returns the location of the security property configuration file.


Returns the socket open timeout value.


Returns the read timeout associated with sockets used to make client requests.


Returns a boolean value indicating whether verbose messaging is in use. True means that it is in use.


Sets a positive integer representing the expiration timeout for an iterator in milliseconds. The proxy maintains iterator state when an iteration begins. This timeout is used to expire that state if the client does not complete the iteration in a timely manner. The default value is 60000 (60 seconds).


Sets the path to the kvproxy.jar file. Overrides whatever path was provided when this class was initialized, if any. Also overrides any information provided using the KVPROXY_JAR environment variable.


Sets the path to the kvstore.jar file. Overrides the path that was provided when this class was initialized. Also overrides any information provided using the KVSTORE_JAR environment variable.


Sets a positive integer representing the maximum number of requests that this client can have active for a node in the KVStore.


Sets the maximum number of active requests allowed between the proxy server and the store.


Sets a positive integer representing the number of results retrieved by Store.table_iterator() or Store.index_iterator() in a single call to the server. The default value is 100.


Sets a positive integer representing the maximum number of open iterators in a connection. Because the proxy maintains state for iterators, an excessive number of active (not completed or timed out) iterators can result in memory problems. This method allows specification of a limit. The default value is 10000.


Specifies an integer value representing the maximum number of result batches that can be held in the proxy server process.


Sets a positive integer representing the maximum number of active requests that can be associated with a node when the request limiting mechanism is active.


Sets a positive integer representing the number of threads to use for request handling in the proxy server. The default value is 20.


Sets a positive integer representing the maximum number of requests that this client can have active for a node in the store.


Sets a positive integer representing the threshold computed as a percentage of max_active_requests at which requests are limited.


Sets a positive integer representing the default request timeout value (in milliseconds) for operations performed by this client against the store.


Sets the location of the security property configuration file. Note that the security property configuration file is located on the same machine as is running the proxy server.


Sets a positive integer representing the amount of time (in millseconds) this client will wait when opening a socket to the store.


Sets a positive integer representing the read timeout (in milliseconds) associated with sockets used to make client requests.


Sets a boolean value indicating whether the client and proxy will issue verbose messaging. Use True if you want verbose messaging. Turning this on can be helpful when troubleshooting problems with connecting to the store.


class nosqldb.Store(client, transport, store_config)

A handle to a store that is running remotely. Use this handle to perform all store read and write operations, as well as to execute grouped sequences of operations. To create an instance of this class, use Factory.open().


Close the connecion with the proxy.

static decode_base_64(data)

Decode the specified Base 64 encoded data.

delete(table, primary_key, write_opts=None)

Deletes a row of data from the named table in the store.

  • table – The name of the table from which the row is to be deleted. This parameter is required.
  • primary_key – A Row object populated with the primary key fields for the row that you want returned. Alternatively, this can be a simple dictionary populated with the primary key fields. This parameter is required.
  • write_opts – A WriteOptions class instance.

A tuple, the contents of which differs. If the operation was unsucessful, the tuple contains (False, None). If sucessful then:

  • (True, NONE) if ONDB_RETURN_CHOICE on the WriteOptions provided to this call is NONE.
  • (True, <Row>) where <Row> contains the old row’s data and version if ONDB_RETURN_CHOICE on the WriteOptions provided to this call is ALL.
  • (True, <Row>) where <Row> contains just the old row’s data if ONDB_RETURN_CHOICE on the WriteOptions provided to this call is VALUE.
  • (True, <Row>) where <Row> contains just the old row’s version if ONDB_RETURN_CHOICE on the WriteOptions provided to this call is VERSION.

  • DurabilityException – If the durability guarantee set for this write operation cannot be satisfied.
  • RequestTimeoutException – If the requested timeout interval in use for this call is exceeded.
  • FaultException – If the operation cannot be completed for any reason.
  • IllegalArgumentException – If an incorrect argument is used, or a required argument is missing.
  • ProxyException – If communication with the proxy server somehow failed.
delete_if_version(table, primary_key, version, write_opts=None)

Deletes a row of data from the named table in the store if and only if the row currently existing in the store has a version that is equal to the version provided here.

  • table – The name of the table from which the row is to be deleted. This parameter is required.
  • primary_key – A Row object populated with the primary key fields for the row that you want returned. Alternatively, this can be a simple dictionary populated with the primary key fields. This parameter is required.
  • version – The version that must match the version currently in the store in order for this delete operation to proceed. This parameter is required.
  • write_opts – A WriteOptions class instance.

A tuple, the contents of which differs. If the operation was unsucessful, the tuple contains (False, None). If sucessful then:

  • (True, NONE) if ONDB_RETURN_CHOICE on the WriteOptions provided to this call is NONE.
  • (True, <Row>) where <Row> contains the old row’s data and version if ONDB_RETURN_CHOICE on the WriteOptions provided to this call is ALL.
  • (True, <Row>) where <Row> contains just the old row’s data if ONDB_RETURN_CHOICE on the WriteOptions provided to this call is VALUE.
  • (True, <Row>) where <Row> contains just the old row’s version if ONDB_RETURN_CHOICE on the WriteOptions provided to this call is VERSION.

  • DurabilityException – If the durability guarantee set for this write operation cannot be satisfied.
  • RequestTimeoutException – If the requested timeout interval in use for this call is exceeded.
  • FaultException – If the operation cannot be completed for any reason.
  • IllegalArgumentException – If an incorrect argument is used, or a required argument is missing.
  • ProxyException – If communication with the proxy server somehow failed.
static encode_base_64(data)

Base 64 encode the specified data.


Asynchronously execute a DDL statement. The method returns immediately without waiting for the statement to run in the store.


command – The DDL statement to be executed. This parameter is required.


An ExecutionFuture object.

  • FaultException – If the operation cannot be completed for any reason.
  • IllegalArgumentException – If an incorrect argument is used, or a required argument is missing.
  • ProxyException – If communication with the proxy server somehow failed.

Synchronously execute a DDL statement. The method will only return when the statement has finished.


command – The DDL statement to be executed. This parameter is required.


A StatementResult object.

  • ExecutionException – If any operation failed when the operation’s ONDB_ABORT_IF_UNSUCCESSFUL key is set to True.
  • FaultException – If the operation cannot be completed for any reason.
  • IllegalArgumentException – If an incorrect argument is used, or a required argument is missing.
  • ProxyException – If communication with the proxy server somehow failed.
execute_updates(ex_list, write_opts=None)

This method provides an efficient and transactional mechanism for executing a sequence of operations associated with tables that share the same shard key portion of their primary keys. The efficiency results from the use of a single network interaction to accomplish the entire sequence of operations.

The operations passed to this method are a list of Operation objects.

All the operations specified are executed within the scope of a single transaction that effectively provides serializable isolation. The transaction is started and either committed or aborted by this method. If the method returns without throwing an exception, then all operations were executed atomically, the transaction was committed, and the returned list contains the result of each operation.

If the transaction is aborted for any reason, an exception is thrown. An abort may occur for two reasons:

  1. An operation or transaction results in an exception that is considered a fault, such as a durability or consistency error, a failure due to message delivery or networking error, and so forth.
  2. An individual operation returns normally but is unsuccessful as defined by the particular operation (that is, a delete operation for a non-existent key) and True was specified for the operation’s ONDB_ABORT_IF_UNSUCCESSFUL key.

Operations are not executed in the sequence they appear in the operations list, but are instead executed in an internally defined sequence that prevents deadlocks. Additionally, if there are two operations for the same key, their relative order of execution is arbitrary; this should be avoided.

  • ex_list – A list of Operation objects. This parameter is required.
  • write_opts – A WriteOptions class instance.

An iterable object, each element of which is a OperationResult class object.

  • OperationExecutionException – If any operation failed when the operation’s ONDB_ABORT_IF_UNSUCCESSFUL key is set to True.
  • DurabilityException – If the durability guarantee set for this write operation cannot be satisfied.
  • RequestTimeoutException – If the requested timeout interval in use for this call is exceeded.
  • FaultException – If the operation cannot be completed for any reason.
  • IllegalArgumentException – If an incorrect argument is used, or a required argument is missing.
  • ProxyException – If communication with the proxy server somehow failed.
get(table, primary_key, read_opts=None)

Get the row associated with the primary key.

  • table – The name of the table from which you want to retrieve the row. This parameter is required.
  • primary_key – A Row object populated with the primary key fields for the row that you want returned. Alternatively, this can be a simple dictionary populated with the primary key fields. This parameter is required.
  • read_opts – A ReadOptions class instance.

A Row object, or None if the primary key does not exist on the named table.

  • ConsistencyException – If the consistency policy set for read operation cannot be satisfied.
  • RequestTimeoutException – If the requested timeout interval in use for this call is exceeded.
  • FaultException – If the operation cannot be completed for any reason.
  • IllegalArgumentException – If an incorrect argument is used, or a required argument is missing.
  • ProxyException – If communication with the proxy server somehow failed.

Returns the ExecutionFuture object encapsulating the operation represented by the provided execution future ID. You can obtain the execution future ID using ExecutionFuture.get_execution_id().

Raises IllegalArgumentException:
 If an incorrect argument is used, or a required argument is missing.

Returns the StoreConfig object used by this handle to the store.


Returns the version associated with a specific module ID. Possible module IDs are:


    Returns the version of the Java client code currently in use.


    Returns the version of the proxy server currently in use.

index_iterator(table, index_name, key, key_only, multirow_opts=None, table_iterator_opts=None)

Returns an iterable list of Row objects or keys which match the identified index.

  • table – The name of the table from which you want to retrieve the keys. This parameter is required.
  • index_name – The index you want to use. This parameter is required.
  • partial_key – A Row object containing the partial primary key. This parameter is required.
  • key_onlyTrue if you want to obtain only keys from the iterator. False if you want to complete rows instead. This parameter is required.
  • multirow_opts – A MultiRowOptions instance.
  • table_iterator_opts – A TableIteratorOptions instance.

An iterable list of objects matching the partial key. This list is returned lazily, which is to say that the entire list is not returned at once. Rather, list items are retrieved as the list iterator requires them.

  • ConsistencyException – If the consistency policy set for read operation cannot be satisfied.
  • RequestTimeoutException – If the requested timeout interval in use for this call is exceeded.
  • FaultException – If the operation cannot be completed for any reason.
  • IllegalArgumentException – If an incorrect argument is used, or a required argument is missing.
  • UnsupportedOperationException – If the multirow options provided to this method specify the return of child tables.
  • ProxyException – If communication with the proxy server somehow failed.
multi_delete(table, partial_key, multirow_opts=None, write_opts=None)

Delete all rows matching a primary key in an atomic manner. The provided primary key may be a partial key, but it must contain the row’s full shard key.

  • table – The name of the table from which you want to delete the rows. This parameter is required.
  • partial_key – A Row object containing the shard key (which can also be a full or partial primary key). This parameter is required.
  • multirow_opts – A MultiRowOptions instance.
  • write_opts – A WriteOptions instance.

The number of rows deleted.

  • DurabilityException – If the durability guarantee set for this write operation cannot be satisfied.
  • RequestTimeoutException – If the requested timeout interval in use for this call is exceeded.
  • FaultException – If the operation cannot be completed for any reason.
  • IllegalArgumentException – If an incorrect argument is used, or a required argument is missing.
  • ProxyException – If communication with the proxy server somehow failed.
multi_get(table, partial_key, key_only, multirow_opts=None, read_opts=None)

Return a list of rows/keys associated with a partial primary key in an atomic manner. Rows or keys are returned in primary key order. The key provided to this method may be a partial key, but it must contain all of the fields defined for the table’s shard key.

  • table – The name of the table from which you want to retrieve the rows or keys. This parameter is required.
  • partial_key – A Row object containing a primary key, which can be a partial key but it must contain the entire shard key. This parameter is required.
  • key_only – A boolean indicating whether you want just keys returned, or the entire row. True if you want just keys. This parameter is required.
  • multirow_opts – A MultiRowOptions instance.
  • read_opts – A ReadOptions instance.

A list of rows or keys that matches the provided shard key.

  • ConsistencyException – If the consistency policy set for read operation cannot be satisfied.
  • RequestTimeoutException – If the requested timeout interval in use for this call is exceeded.
  • FaultException – If the operation cannot be completed for any reason.
  • IllegalArgumentException – If an incorrect argument is used, or a required argument is missing.
  • ProxyException – If communication with the proxy server somehow failed.
put(table, row, write_opts=None)

Write a row of data to the table. If the specified row already exists, it is modified. If it does not exist, a new row is added to the table. Both of these default behaviors can be modified through the use of a WriteOptions class instance.

  • table – The name of the table to be written. This parameter is required.
  • row – The row to be written as a Row class instance. This parameter is required.
  • write_opts – A WriteOptions class instance.

A tuple, the contents of which differs. If the operation was unsucessful, the tuple contains (False, None). If sucessful then:

  • (True, NONE) if ONDB_RETURN_CHOICE on the WriteOptions provided to this call is NONE.
  • (True, <Row>) where <Row> contains the old row’s data and version if ONDB_RETURN_CHOICE on the WriteOptions provided to this call is ALL.
  • (True, <Row>) where <Row> contains just the old row’s data if ONDB_RETURN_CHOICE on the WriteOptions provided to this call is VALUE.
  • (True, <Row>) where <Row> contains just the old row’s version if ONDB_RETURN_CHOICE on the WriteOptions provided to this call is VERSION.

  • DurabilityException – If the durability guarantee set for this write operation cannot be satisfied.
  • RequestTimeoutException – If the requested timeout interval in use for this call is exceeded.
  • FaultException – If the operation cannot be completed for any reason.
  • IllegalArgumentException – If an incorrect argument is used, or a required argument is missing.
  • ProxyException – If communication with the proxy server somehow failed.
put_if_absent(table, row, write_opts=None)

Write a row of data to the table if and only if the row is not already present in the table.

  • table – The name of the table to be written. This parameter is required.
  • row – The row to be written as a Row class instance. This parameter is required.
  • write_opts – A WriteOptions class instance.

A tuple, the contents of which differs. If the operation was unsucessful, the tuple contains (False, None). If sucessful then:

  • (True, NONE) if ONDB_RETURN_CHOICE on the WriteOptions provided to this call is NONE.
  • (True, <Row>) where <Row> contains the old row’s data and version if ONDB_RETURN_CHOICE on the WriteOptions provided to this call is ALL.
  • (True, <Row>) where <Row> contains just the old row’s data if ONDB_RETURN_CHOICE on the WriteOptions provided to this call is VALUE.
  • (True, <Row>) where <Row> contains just the old row’s version if ONDB_RETURN_CHOICE on the WriteOptions provided to this call is VERSION.

  • DurabilityException – If the durability guarantee set for this write operation cannot be satisfied.
  • RequestTimeoutException – If the requested timeout interval in use for this call is exceeded.
  • FaultException – If the operation cannot be completed for any reason.
  • IllegalArgumentException – If an incorrect argument is used, or a required argument is missing.
  • ProxyException – If communication with the proxy server somehow failed.
put_if_present(table, row, write_opts=None)

Write a row of data to the table if and only if the row is already present in the table.

  • table – The name of the table to be written. This parameter is required.
  • row – The row to be written as a Row class instance. This parameter is required.
  • write_opts – A WriteOptions class instance.

A tuple, the contents of which differs. If the operation was unsucessful, the tuple contains (False, None). If sucessful then:

  • (True, NONE) if ONDB_RETURN_CHOICE on the WriteOptions provided to this call is NONE.
  • (True, <Row>) where <Row> contains the old row’s data and version if ONDB_RETURN_CHOICE on the WriteOptions provided to this call is ALL.
  • (True, <Row>) where <Row> contains just the old row’s data if ONDB_RETURN_CHOICE on the WriteOptions provided to this call is VALUE.
  • (True, <Row>) where <Row> contains just the old row’s version if ONDB_RETURN_CHOICE on the WriteOptions provided to this call is VERSION.

  • DurabilityException – If the durability guarantee set for this write operation cannot be satisfied.
  • RequestTimeoutException – If the requested timeout interval in use for this call is exceeded.
  • FaultException – If the operation cannot be completed for any reason.
  • IllegalArgumentException – If an incorrect argument is used, or a required argument is missing.
  • ProxyException – If communication with the proxy server somehow failed.
put_if_version(table, row, version, write_opts=None)

Write a row of data to the table if and only if the row currently existing in the store has a version that is equal to the version provided here.

  • table – The name of the table to be written. This parameter is required.
  • row – The row to be written as a Row class instance. This parameter is required.
  • version – The version that must match the version currently in the store in order for this write operation to proceed. This parameter is required.
  • write_opts – A WriteOptions class instance.

A tuple, the contents of which differs. If the operation was unsucessful, the tuple contains (False, None). If sucessful then:

  • (True, NONE) if ONDB_RETURN_CHOICE on the WriteOptions provided to this call is NONE.
  • (True, <Row>) where <Row> contains the old row’s data and version if ONDB_RETURN_CHOICE on the WriteOptions provided to this call is ALL.
  • (True, <Row>) where <Row> contains just the old row’s data if ONDB_RETURN_CHOICE on the WriteOptions provided to this call is VALUE.
  • (True, <Row>) where <Row> contains just the old row’s version if ONDB_RETURN_CHOICE on the WriteOptions provided to this call is VERSION.

  • DurabilityException – If the durability guarantee set for write operation cannot be satisfied.
  • RequestTimeoutException – If the requested timeout interval in use for this call is exceeded.
  • FaultException – If the operation cannot be completed for any reason.
  • IllegalArgumentException – If an incorrect argument is used, or a required argument is missing.
  • ProxyException – If communication with the proxy server somehow failed.

Refresh table changes so that they are available to your client code. Nothing is returned by this method. Use this method if you suspect that table data has been altered. That is, if you suspect there are new tables added to the store, old tables altered in the store, indexes added or altered, and so forth.

Raises FaultException:
 If the operation cannot be completed for any reason.

Shutdown the proxy if possible.

table_iterator(table, key, key_only, multirow_opts=None, table_iterator_opts=None)

Returns an iterable list of Row objects or keys which match the provided partial key.

  • table – The name of the table from which you want to retrieve the keys. This parameter is required.
  • key – A Row object containing the partial primary key. This parameter is required.
  • key_onlyTrue if you want to obtain only keys from the iterator. False if you want to retrieve complete rows instead. This parameter is required.
  • multirow_opts – A MultiRowOptions instance.
  • table_iterator_opts – A TableIteratorOptions instance.

An iterable list of objects matching the partial key. This list is returned lazily, which is to say that the entire list is not returned at once. Rather, list items are retrieved as the list iterator requires them.

  • ConsistencyException – If the consistency policy set for read operation cannot be satisfied.
  • RequestTimeoutException – If the requested timeout interval in use for this call is exceeded.
  • FaultException – If the operation cannot be completed for any reason.
  • IllegalArgumentException – If an incorrect argument is used, or a required argument is missing.
  • UnsupportedOperationException – If the multirow options provided to this method specify the return of child tables.
  • ProxyException – If communication with the proxy server somehow failed.


class nosqldb.StoreConfig(store_name, helper_hosts)

Contains information needed to connect to the store. An instance of this class is required by Factory.open().

Initializing this class requires the name of the store to which your code is connecting. The store name was defined when your store was first started. If you are using kvlite instance, the store name is kvlite. For any other store, see the personnel who installed and configured it.

This class also requires a list or tuple of strings with the format host:port, where host is the name of a host where one of your store’s Storage Nodes can be found, and port is the Storage Node’s listening port. At least one host:port pair must be given, and that pair must represent a currently operational Storage Node. If you are using kvlite, then provide only one host:port pair; typically: localhost:5000. For any other store, see the personnel who installed and configured it.

  • store_name – The name of the store to which you are connecting. This parameter is required.
  • helper_hosts – A list or tuple of hostname:port pairs. This parameter is required.
static change_log(level=None, f_name=None)

Turn on logging with the logging level and the file name to log to. level must be one of:

  • INFO

Returns the Consistency object in use for this store configuration.


Returns the Durability object in use for this store configuration.


Returns a tuple of strings in the format host:port which represent where your store’s Storage Nodes can be located.


Returns the default maximum number of results retrieved by Store.table_iterator() or Store.index_iterator() in a single call to the store.


Returns the zones in which nodes must be located to be used for read operations, or None if read operations can be performed on nodes in any zone.


Returns the default request timeout.


Returns the name of the store in use for this configuration.


Returns the name of the user authenticating to the store.


Returns the relevant parameters for verifying the proxy connection in Thrift format.


Sets the Consistency object you want to use as the default consistency policy for this store configuration. This default value can be modified on a per-operation basis. See ReadOptions for details.


Sets the Durability object you want to use as the default durability guarantee for this store configuration. This default value can be modified on a per-operation basis. See WriteOptions for details.


Sets a tuple or list of strings in the format host:port which represent where your store’s Storage Nodes can be located. To connect to the store, at least one active Store Node must be identified in the host list.


Sets a positive integer representing the default maximum number of results retrieved by Store.table_iterator() or Store.index_iterator() in a single call to the store. This can modified on a per-operation basis using TableIteratorOptions.


Sets a tuple or list of zone names in which nodes must be located to be used for read operations.


Sets a positive integer value representing the request timeout value in milliseconds.


Sets the name of the store you want to use for this configuration.


Sets the name of the user authenticating to the store.


This section contains classes used to manage read operations performed against the store.


class nosqldb.Direction(seq=(), **kwargs)

Used with iterator operations to specify the order that keys are returned.

This class functions as a dictionary with just one key, which is mandatory: ONDB_DIRECTION. You may specify one of the following values for this key:


    Iterate in ascending key order.


    Iterate in descending key order.


    Iterate in no particular key order.


Validates the values provided to this class. If they are not valid, this method raises IllegalArgumentException.


class nosqldb.FieldRange(seq=(), **kwargs)

Defines a range of values to be used in a table or index iteration, or multi_get operation. A field range is used as the least significant component in a partially specified primary or index key in order to create a value range for an operation that returns multiple rows or keys. The data types supported by a field range are limited to those which are valid for primary keys and/or index keys.

Field ranges are provided to a read operation using a MultiRowOptions class instance.

This class functions as a dictionary with the following keys:


    The name of the field limited by this range.


    The lower bound of the range, as a string regardless of the field’s actual type. If no lower bound is to be enforced, do not specify this key. But in that case, ONDB_END_VALUE must be specified.


    Boolean value indicating whether the start value is included in the range. True if it is included.


    The upper bound of the range, as a string regardless of the field’s actual type. If no upper bound is to be enforced, do not specify this key. But in that case, ONDB_START_VALUE must be specified.


    Boolean value indicating whether the end value is included in the range. True if it is included.

For example, to specify a range on field id, which is an integer, so that the range is 1 to 3, inclusive:

fr = FieldRange({ ONDB_FIELD : 'id',
                  ONDB_START_VALUE : '1',
                  ONDB_END_VALUE : '3'})

For complex data types, such as a record, use dot notation to specify the field inside the data type. For example, if you have an embedded record, address, and you indexed its field, city, then to specify a field range that includes Chicago to New York, inclusive, use:

fr = FieldRange({ ONDB_FIELD : 'address.city',
                  ONDB_START_VALUE : 'Chicago',
                  ONDB_END_VALUE : 'New York'})

Validates the values provided to this class. If they are not valid, this method raises IllegalArgumentException.


class nosqldb.MultiRowOptions(seq=(), **kwargs)

Used to provide various options for read operations in which multiple table rows are returned. This class functions as a dictionary with the following keys:


    The FieldRange that limits the rows returned by this operation.


    List of ancestor or child tables to be included in an operation that returns multiple rows or keys. Note that when specifying child table names, they must be fully-qualified ‘parent.child’ names.


Validates the values provided to this class. If they are not valid, this method raises IllegalArgumentException.


class nosqldb.ReadOptions(seq=(), **kwargs)

Used to provide various options for read operations. This class functions as a dictionary with the following keys:


    The Consistency guarantee that you want to use for this read operation.


    An integer value representing the amount of time in milliseconds that is permitted to elapse before the read operation times out.


Validates the values provided to this class. If they are not valid, this method raises IllegalArgumentException.


class nosqldb.Row(*args, **kwargs)

Represents a table row read from the Oracle NoSQL Database store, or to be written to the store. Row data is represented as a dictionary, with keys representing row field names, and values as the respective row value.

This class also provides several methods related to table name and version management.


Returns the name of the table to which the row belongs.


Returns a bytearray representing the row version information. Every time a table row is modified in the store, a new version is automatically assigned to it.


Sets the table name to which the row belongs.


Sets the table row version.


class nosqldb.ResultIterator(itId, batch, hasmore, client)

Provides iteration over a list of results returned by Store.table_iterator and Store.index_iterator. This iterator consumes blocks of data from the store on demand (by default, 100 results for each internal retrieval from the store). In this way, this iterator can potentially save memory over a blind bulk retrieval of an entire result set.

Iterate over the result set through the use of a simple for loop, or by calling the next() method.

If you want to abort the iteration, you must manually call the close() method.


Close the iterator regardless of whether the iterator was exhausted.


Returns the next Row in the result set, or None.

Raises StopIteration:
 when no further results are available in the result set.


class nosqldb.TableIteratorOptions(seq=(), **kwargs)

Used with store read operations that return iterators. It overrides any default values that might have been specified when the store handle was configured.

This class functions as dictionary with the following keys:


    The value specified for this key must be a Direction class instance.


    Specifies an integer value representing the maximum number of results batches that can be held in the NoSQL Database client process.


    The value specified for this key must be a ReadOptions class instance.


Validates the values provided to this class. If they are not valid, this method raises IllegalArgumentException.

Consistency Guarantees

This section contains classes used to define consistency guarantees that are applied to read operations.


class nosqldb.Consistency(seq=(), **kwargs)

Used to provide consistency guarantees for read operations.

In general, read operations may be serviced either at a master or replica node. When serviced at the master node, consistency is always absolute. If absolute consistency is required, ABSOLUTE may be specified to force the operation to be serviced at the master. For other types of consistency, when the operation is serviced at a replica node, the transaction will not begin until the consistency policy is satisfied.

The consistency is specified as an argument to all read operations, for example, Store.get().

This class functions as a dictionary with the following keys. NOTE: Only one of the following keys may be used at any given time for this class:

The following convenience constants are also available:


Validates the values provided to this class. If they are not valid, this method raises IllegalArgumentException.


class nosqldb.SimpleConsistency(seq=(), **kwargs)

Used to specify a simple consistency guarantee. This class functions as a dictionary with just one key: ONDB_SIMPLE_CONSISTENCY. This key may have one of the following values:


    Requires that a transaction be serviced on the master so that consistency is absolute.


    Lets a transaction on a replica using this policy proceed regardless of the state of the replica relative to the master.


    Requires that a read operation be serviced on a replica; never the master.


Validates the values provided to this class. If they are not valid, this method raises IllegalArgumentException.


class nosqldb.TimeConsistency(seq=(), **kwargs)

A consistency policy which describes the amount of time the replica is allowed to lag the master. The application can use this policy to ensure that the replica node sees all transactions that were committed on the master before the lag interval.

Effective use of this policy requires that the clocks on the master and replica are synchronized by using a protocol like NTP.

This class functions as a dictionary with the following keys:


    A long value representing the total number of milliseconds the replica is allowed to lag the master when initiating a transaction.


    A long value representing how long a replica may wait for the desired consistency to be achieved before giving up.

    All KVStore read operations support a consistency specification, as well as a separate operation timeout. The KVStore client driver implements a read operation by choosing a node (usually a replica) from the proper replication group, and sending it a request. If the replica cannot guarantee the desired consistency within the consistency timeout, it replies to the request with a failure indication. If there is still time remaining within the operation timeout, the client driver picks another node and tries the request again (transparent to the application).

    It makes sense to think of the operation timeout as the maximum amount of time the application is willing to wait for the operation to complete. The consistency timeout is like a performance hint to the implementation, suggesting that it can generally expect that a healthy replica usually should be able to become consistent within the given amount of time, and that if it does not, then it is probably more likely worth the overhead of abandoning the request attempt and retrying with a different replica. Note that for the consistency timeout to be meaningful it must be smaller than the operation timeout.

    Choosing a value for the operation timeout depends on the needs of the application. Finding a good consistency timeout value is more likely to depend on observations made of real system performance.


Validates the values provided to this class. If they are not valid, this method raises IllegalArgumentException.


class nosqldb.VersionConsistency(seq=(), **kwargs)

A consistency policy which ensures that the environment on a replica node is at least as current as denoted by the specified version byte array.

The specified version represents a point in the serialized transaction schedule created by the master. In other words, the version is like a bookmark, representing a particular transaction commit in the replication stream. The replica ensures that the commit identified by the version has been executed before allowing the transaction on the replica to proceed.

For example, suppose the application is a web application. Each request to the web server consists of an update operation followed by read operations (say from the same client). The read operations naturally expect to see the data from the updates executed by the same request. However, the read operations might have been routed to a replica node that did not execute the update.

In such a case, the update request would generate a version byte array, which would be resubmitted by the browser, and then passed with the subsequent read requests to the store. The read request may be directed by the store’s load balancer to any one of the available replicas. If the replica servicing the request is already current (with respect to the version token), it will immediately execute the transaction and satisfy the request. If not, the transaction will stall until the replica replay has caught up and the change is available at that node.

This class functions as a dictionary with the following keys:


    A byte array representing the version that must be matched in order for the consistency guarantee to be met.


    A long value representing how long a replica may wait for the desired consistency to be achieved before giving up.

    All KVStore read operations support a consistency specification, as well as a separate operation timeout. The KVStore client driver implements a read operation by choosing a node (usually a replica) from the proper replication group, and sending it a request. If the replica cannot guarantee the desired consistency within the consistency timeout, it replies to the request with a failure indication. If there is still time remaining within the operation timeout, the client driver picks another node and tries the request again (transparent to the application).

    It makes sense to think of the operation timeout as the maximum amount of time the application is willing to wait for the operation to complete. The consistency timeout is like a performance hint to the implementation, suggesting that it can generally expect that a healthy replica usually should be able to become consistent within the given amount of time, and that if it does not, then it is probably more likely worth the overhead of abandoning the request attempt and retrying with a different replica. Note that for the consistency timeout to be meaningful it must be smaller than the operation timeout.

    Choosing a value for the operation timeout depends on the needs of the application. Finding a good consistency timeout value is more likely to depend on observations made of real system performance.


Validates the values provided to this class. If they are not valid, this method raises IllegalArgumentException.


This section contains classes used to manage write operations performed against the store.


class nosqldb.ExecutionFuture(statement_res, execution_id, client)

Provides a handle to a DDL statement that has been issued asynchronously and is currently being processed by the kvstore. This class provides a way to check on the interim status of the DDL operation, wait for the operation completion, or cancel the operation.

This class is instantiated by Store.execute() and Store.get_execution_future().

If you want to cancel the DDL statement before it has completed, use Store.execution_future_cancel().


Attempts to cancel the asynchronous execution of a DDL statement that was started using execute().

Cancel a DDL operation executed with Store.execute() then return a boolean result indicating if the operation was successful.


may_interrupt_if_running – Boolean indicating whether the operation can be interrupted if is currently in progress.


True if the operation was cancelled and passed to FAILED state. Otherwise, False if the operation could not be cancelled, most probably because the operation completed before the DDL statement was executed.

  • FaultException – If the operation cannot be completed for any reason.
  • IllegalArgumentException – If an incorrect argument is used, or a required argument is missing.
  • ProxyException – If communication with the proxy server somehow failed.

This method does not return (blocks) until the DDL statement encapsulated by this class finishes.


timeout – The amount of time in milliseconds you are willing to wait for the statement to complete. If this timeout value is reached, this method throw TimeoutException.

  • FaultException – If the operation cannot be completed for any reason.
  • IllegalArgumentException – If an incorrect argument is used, or a required argument is missing.
  • TimeoutException – If the timeout value specified to this method is reached.
  • ExecutionException – If the execution of this instruction failed for any reason in the server.
  • InterruptedException – If the operation was interrupted for any reason.
  • ProxyException – If communication with the proxy server somehow failed.

Returns the unique id associated with this execution future.


Returns the DDL statement encapsulated by this class.


Returns the StatementResult object representing this execution future.


Updates the current status of the DDL operation encapsulated by this class. You can then retrieve the current status using get_statement_result().

  • FaultException – If the operation cannot be completed for any reason.
  • IllegalArgumentException – If an incorrect argument is used, or a required argument is missing.
  • ProxyException – If communication with the proxy server somehow failed.


class nosqldb.Durability(seq=(), **kwargs)

Represents a durability guarantee. This class functions as a dictionary with the following keys:


    The synchronization policy on the shard’s master server.


    The synchronization policy on the shard’s replicas.


    The acknowledgement policy.

For synchronization policies, the allowable values are:


    Write but do not synchronously flush the log on transaction commit.


    Write and synchronously flush the log on transaction commit.


    Do not write or synchronously flush the log on transaction commit.

For the acknowledgment policy, the allowable values are:


    All replicas must acknowledge that they have committed the transaction.


    No transaction commit acknowledgments are required and the master will never wait for replica acknowledgments.


    A simple majority of replicas must acknowledge that they have committed the transaction.

The following convenience durability policies are also available. These represent the most commonly used durability policies:

COMMIT_SYNC = Durability({
COMMIT_NO_SYNC = Durability({

Validates the values provided to this class. If they are not valid, this method raises IllegalArgumentException.


class nosqldb.Result(string_result=None)

Contains the result status of a StatementResult. It encapsulates a result type and possibly type-dependent data. At this time the only possible result type is ONDB_TYPE_STRING.


Returns the string result.


Returns the type of the result.


class nosqldb.StatementResult(seq=(), **kwargs)

Provides information about the execution and outcome of a table statement. If this object is obtained asynchronously, it can represent information about either a completed or in progress operation. If obtained synchronously, it represents the final status of a finished operation.

This class is obtained using the ExecutionFuture.get_statement_result() method.

This class functions as a dictionary with the following keys:


    Contains a textual representation of the statement result.


    Contains a JSON representation of the result’s info.


    Contains the error message, if any, returned by the operation.


    True if the operation was cancelled.


    True if the operation was terminated.


    True if the operation completed successfully.


    Contains the table statement that was executed.


    A Result class instance.


    The unique ID assigned to this statement.


class nosqldb.WriteOptions(seq=(), **kwargs)

Provides options used by store write methods, such as Store.put(). This class functions as a dictionary with the following keys:


    A Durability class instance.


    The time, specified in milliseconds, allowed for processing the operation. If zero, the default request timeout is used.


    Identifies what should be returned as the result of the write operation. Possible values are:

    • NONE

      Do not return a value or a version.

    • ALL

      Return both the value and the version.

    • VALUE

      Return the new value only.


      Return the version only.


    Boolean value. If True causes the store write operation to proceed only if the row to be written does not currently exist in the store.


    Boolean value. If True causes the store write operation to proceed only if the row to be written currently exists in the store.


    Provides a byte array representing a version that must be matched in order for the write operation to proceed. Version byte arrays can be obtained from Row.get_version().


Validates the values provided to this class. If they are not valid, this method raises IllegalArgumentException.

Grouped Table Operations

This sections contains classes used to create and execute a sequence of write operations. A sequence of write operations is an atomic unit: either all the operations succeed or none of them do.


class nosqldb.Operation(seq=(), **kwargs)

Defines a single operation in a sequence of operations. Instances of this class are added to a list, which is then used with Store.execute_updates().

This class functions as a dictionary with the following keys:


    The name of the table that the operation is acting upon. This key is required.


    An OperationType class instance. This key is required.


    Boolean indicating whether the entire operation should be aborted if this operation is unsuccessful. If True the entire operation is aborted upon a non-success result. Default is False.


    If the operation type is a put, this must be a dictionary or a Row instance representing the data to be written to the store. If the operation is a delete, this must be a dictionary Row instance representing the primary key of the row to be deleted.


    Specifies whether to return the row value, version, both or neither.

    For best performance, it is important to choose only the properties that are required. The store is optimized to avoid I/O when the requested properties are in cache.

    The value for this key must be one of:


      Return both the value and the version.


      Do not return the value or the version.


      Return the value only.


      Return the version only.


    A byte array representing the version that must be matched if any of the xxx_IF_VERSION operation types are in use.


Validates the values provided to this class. If they are not valid, this method raises IllegalArgumentException.


class nosqldb.OperationResult(seq=(), **kwargs)

Contains a single result from an sequence of results returned by Store.execute_updates(). This class functions as a dictionary with the following keys:


    Byte array representing the row’s current version.


    Row instance representing the row as it existed prior to the execution of the operation.


    Byte array representing the row’s version before the operation was executed.


    Boolean indicating where the operation was successful. True if it was successful.


class nosqldb.OperationType(seq=(), **kwargs)

Specifies the type of operation to be performed. This class functions as a dictionary with just one key, which is mandatory: ONDB_OPERATION_TYPE. You may specify one of the following values for this key:


    A delete operation.


    A delete operation, but only if the version information is satisfied.

  • PUT

    A put operation.


    A put operation, but only if the table row does not currently exist.


    A put operation, but only if the table row currently exists.


    A put operation, but only if the version information is satisfied.


Validates the values provided to this class. If they are not valid, this method raises IllegalArgumentException.


This section contains the exceptions that can be raised by the methods contained in the nosqldb module.


class nosqldb.CancellationException(message)

An error occurred in a DDL statement. One possible reason is that Store.execution_future_get() was cancelled before the DDL statement completed.


class nosqldb.ConsistencyException(message)

The Consistency policy for a store read operation could not be met.


class nosqldb.ConnectionException(message)

The connection to the proxy is not working. The proxy may not be running, the proxy configuration information might not be correct, or (if the proxy is running on a remote host) the network connection between your client and the proxy might be down.


class nosqldb.DurabilityException(message)

The Durability guarantee could not be met for a store write operation.


class nosqldb.ExecutionException(message)

An error occurred when asynchronously executing a group of operations, and the operation’s ONDB_ABORT_IF_UNSUCCESSFUL key was set to True.


class nosqldb.FaultException(message)

A fault exception was raised in the proxy server.


class nosqldb.IllegalArgumentException(message)

Exception class that is used when an invalid argument was passed, this could mean that the type is not the expected or the value is not valid for the especific case.


class nosqldb.InterruptionException(message)

A group of operations were being executed asynchronously, and their operations were interrupted.


class nosqldb.OperationExecutionException(message)

An error occurred when synchronously executing a group of operations, and the operation’s ONDB_ABORT_IF_UNSUCCESSFUL key was set to True.


class nosqldb.ProxyException(message)

The proxy server failed to process a request.


class nosqldb.RequestTimeoutException(message)

A store operation could not be completed within the time allowed.


class nosqldb.TimeoutException(message)

A group of operations were being executed asynchronously, and they did not complete in the time allowed.


class nosqldb.UnsupportedOperationException(message)

An operation was attempted that is not supported by the proxy.

Indices and tables