You are here: Configuration > Transactions > Activity Processing > Activity Types


Activity Types 

The types of activities performed in OIPA are identified in AsCodeActivityType. These types should not be confused with the status of an activity, but used in conjunction with them, to understand how an activity was generated and what status the activity is currently in. Activities can be generated by an end user or the system may automatically generate activities when a dependent activity’s data is changed.  


To verify an activity’s type run a query against the AsActivity table. The TypeCode column of this table tracks an activity’s type. 


Activity Type





An activity entered manually by a user or an activity that was spawned for the first time from a natural activity. A spawned activity can be considered a natural activity even if it was system generated because the user manually processed the activity that spawned it. 



Reversal activity that was created by an end user either manually deleting or recycling an activity.

A spawned activity that was reversed because the originating activity was manually reversed.



This is a system generated reversal that was automatically performed by the system because an activity it depended on was changed. A Redo activity usually is generated with an Undo. 



This is a system generated activity that was automatically created due to the generation of an Undo activity.



Should not be in a production environment.


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