Posting Report

The Posting report shows information regarding all data postings and compression of messages.

The Posting Date section shows aggregate posting information by date, as described in the following table:
Column Shows Drill Down Report

Posting Date

A list of business days in which posting occurred.

Posting Date Detail

Posting Start

The starting date and time range for the information posted on the report.


Posting End

The ending date and time range for the information posted on the report.


Count of Msg

The number of messages posted.


Msg Size (k)

The size of the messages in kilobytes.


Result Size (k)

The size of the result set in kilobytes.


Compress %

The percentage of the size compressed.

The Business Date section shows posting information organized by location and date, as described in the following table:
Column Shows Drill Down Report

Business Date

A list of locations, then a list of business days in which posting occurred.

Business Date Posting Detail

Posting Start

The starting date and time range for the information posted on the report.


Posting End

The ending date and time range for the information posted on the report.


Count of Msg

The number of messages posted.


Msg Size (k)

The size of the messages in kilobytes.


Result Size (k)

The size of the result set in kilobytes.


Compress %

The percentage of the size compressed.