Today’s Service Performance Report

The Today’s Service Performance report provides details regarding sales, guests, checks, and averages for the current business day, as described in the following table:
Report Section Column Shows

Day Part

Day Part

Shows all day parts.


Net Sales

Net sales for the organization and for each day part.


% Sales

Percentage of net sales accounted for by the service charge.



Total number of guests.


Sales per Guest

Average monetary value of sales per guest.



Total number of checks.


Avg Check

Average value of checks.


Table Turns

Total number of table turns.


Avg Minutes

Average time in minutes that checks remain open.



Shows all hours in a business day.


Net Sales

Net sales for the hour.


% Sales

Percentage of net sales accounted for by the hour.



Total number of guests during the hour.


Sales per Guest

Average monetary value of sales per guest during the hour.



Total number of checks for the hour.


Avg Check

Average value of checks during the hour..


Table Turns

Total number of table turns for the hour.


Avg Minutes

Average time in minutes that checks remain open during the hour..

All Fixed Periods


Shows net sales, % Sales, Guests, Sales per Guest, Checks, Avg Check, Table Turns, and Avg Minutes for all fixed periods, typically set to 15-minute intervals.