Revision History

Date Description of Change

September 2015

Initial Publication

September 2015

In Application Server Compatibility:
  • Removed IIS requirement from the Reporting and Analytics/Gift and Loyalty column.

  • Added Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 to the Inventory Management column.

January 2016

Added information about deprecating support for Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.

February 2016

Corrected database server, application server, and application server requirements.

June 2016

Updated the Inventory Management Application Server requirement for Microsoft .NET Framework. Inventory Management contains more information about the change.

January 2017

Clarified requirement for Oracle Database Enterprise Edition, the lack of support for pluggable databases, clarified edition compatibility for Microsoft SQL Server, and the lack of support for TLS 1.1 and 1.2 by mobile Microsoft operating systems.

April 2017

Corrected duplicate links in this document.

December 2017

Updated Application Compatibility with MyTask deprecation.

September 2018

Updated Application Compatibility with RTA information, and added the Oracle MICROS Tablet 700 Series information to Mobile Compatibility.