10 Organizational Hierarchies

An organizational hierarchy provides the structure to an enterprise and its restaurants. The enterprise has only one organizational hierarchy. The hierarchy ensures totals from all locations are available for reports and controls how charts show information in Reporting and Analytics.

The hierarchy consists of levels and locations. A location is a restaurant. A level is a group of levels or a group of locations. You define the hierarchy by creating parent-child relationships between levels and locations. In the following figure of a sample organizational hierarchy, District 1 is the parent to the Las Vegas and Reno locations, and the West Region is the parent to District 1 and District 2.

This image shows a sample organizational hierarchy with levels and locations.

You can use the organizational hierarchy to determine user access to information in the system. Using the sample hierarchy as a model, you can create a District Manager role and then assign the role to Jen, the District Manager for District 1. Because of the system relationship between District 1 and the Las Vegas and Reno restaurants, Jen can see information for those restaurants only. She cannot see information for the restaurants related to the other districts.