Payroll Identification (PAYID)

Table 20-21 Payroll Identification Export Format

Field Field Type Description

Record Type

Varchar (255)

String must contain PAYID.

Store Number

Varchar (255)

Store reference number.

Store Name

Varchar (255)

Store name.

First Business Date


Earliest business date.

Last Business Date


Last business date.

Date Created


File creation date.

Time Created


File creation time.

Export Version

Varchar (255)

Version of the software used for export.

GL Mapping Version

Varchar (255)

General ledger mapping version.

POS Model or Type

Varchar (255)

POS application name or type, such as 9700 and 3700.

POS Version

Varchar (255)

Version of the POS application, such as 5.5.

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