12 Users and Roles

You create user accounts to enable users to access information in Reporting and Analytics. When you add a user to the system, you assign the user to an organization level and a role. The role determines the level of access to information in the system. The following table describes the default roles in Reporting and Analytics:

Role Description

System Administrator

Superuser account with access to every area of the enterprise. System administrators can perform any action and make any change in the system.

Enterprise Manager

Manager account with access to view data across the enterprise. Users assigned to this role cannot make changes in the system.

Store Manager

Manager account with access to restaurant-level reports and functions.

Business requirements determine if you create roles to support your organizational hierarchy. For example, your organizational hierarchy has a district level with three districts. Each district has three restaurants. You can create a District Manager role. When you add a District Manager as a user to the system, you assign the user to the district organization level and to the new District Manager role. Because of the district-restaurant relationship settings in Reporting and Analytics, District Managers can view information for only the restaurants in their districts.