The HR Import Template

The HR Import Template consists of four spreadsheets. The information found on the template mirrors the information you enter on the Employee Administration pages.

The following table describes the spreadsheets that make up the HR Import Template. See Human Resources Configuration for descriptions of the fields mentioned in the table.

Table 5-1 The HR Import Template

Template Page Name Description

Options page

This page briefly describes the details of the other pages in the spreadsheet. There are two execution modes:
  • Mode 1: For inserting employees and configuring POS and job rates information.

  • Mode 2: For updating employees.

Employees page

On this page, you are required to enter the following information:
  • Payroll ID/Data

  • Home Store

  • SSN

  • Last Name

  • First Name

  • (Optional) Middle Name

  • Gender

  • Date of Birth

  • Hire Date

  • Ethnicity

You can derive this information from existing HR materials. Further instructions exist within the spreadsheet.

Job Rates page

On this page, you are required to enter the following information:
  • Payroll ID/Data

  • Location

  • Job

  • Regular Rate

  • Effective From Date

  • (Optional) Effective To Date

  • Primary Job

Some fields only require entering zero (0) or one (1) to be valid. Further instructions exist within the spreadsheet.

POS CFG page

On this page, you are required to enter the following information:
  • Payroll ID/Data

  • Location

  • (Optional) POS Password

  • (Optional) PC App Password

  • Employee Class

  • Employee Back Office Class

  • Cashier

  • Cash Drawer

You can derive much of this information from the settings defined in the POS. Further instructions exist within the spreadsheet.