Administration Guide for Oracle Billing Insight > Database Partitioning >

Database Partitioning Architecture

Oracle Billing Insight preconfigures some database tables with a default partition and a sub-partition template for storing data.

Oracle Billing Insight uses group key and group key-period key partitioning. The default partition is assigned group key 0. You must create a group for each partition you want to add, and include the group key in the data input file for each company or account. All of the companies or accounts in a load input file must be associated with a single group key.

If you are not using grouping, then you must specify a group key value of zero in the control record of billing files. If you do not specify a group key value for a company or account in your data load file, then Oracle Billing Insight does not assign the default group key value of zero.

The billing load process in ODI provides an option to validate the group provided for each company or account in the data input file. This helps maintain your company or account data in the correct partition. For the data load to validate the group key indicated in your input file, you must create data-group associations in Oracle Billing Insight. Each time you add companies or accounts, make these assignments before loading data files. For instructions on creating new groups and associating companies or accounts with a group, see Process of Setting Up New Group Database Partitions.

Partition Naming Convention

Oracle Billing Insight uses the convention P_GroupKey_PeriodNumber for partitions that do not have subpartitions


    • P indicates the top-level partition.
    • GroupKey is the group key number.
    • PeriodNumber is the billing period key from the period table.

For example, P_1_90 refers to top-level partition with group key 1 for billing period 90, such as January.

For partitions with subpartitions, Oracle Billing Insight uses the naming convention P_GroupKey_PeriodNumber_SP_ETLKey, where the additional parameters for the subpartition are as follows:

    • SP indicates the subpartition.
    • ETLKey is the subpartition number, which is also the load key.

For example, P_1_91_SP_999 refers to top-level partition with group key 1 for billing period 91, such as February, and subpartition for key 999.

It is also possible to have a table with top-level partition GROUP_KEY and SUB-PARTITION of period key, in that case you would see P_1_SP_90.

Some tables are preconfigured with GROUP_KEY as the top-level partition, and always use P_1 for group key 1, no period partition.

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