Hierarchy Developer's Guide for Oracle Billing Insight > Basic Hierarchy Manager Use Cases > Taking the User's Role into Consideration >

Creating Hierarchies

The following code shows an example of creating hierarchies:

IHierarchyContext hierarchyContext = new HierarchyContext();
//hierarchyContext can be set through web appflow layer
LookupService lookup = LookupServiceFactory.getInstance();
IHierarchyService hierarchyServices = (IHierarchyService)lookup.getModule("hierarchy");
IHierarchyAccessManager haMgr = hierarchyServices.createHierarchyAccessManager(hierarchyContext);
IHierarchy hierarchy =
haMgr.createHierarchy (hierarchyname, hierarchy_type, hierarchyDesc);

Use IHierarchyAccessManager to create a hierarchy, based on the current user or subject information stored in the HierarchyContext. Note that the method acts differently depending on the user role:

  • User is a Subscriber. HierarchyAccessException is thrown, because the subscriber is not allowed to create a hierarchy.
  • User is a Manager. A new hierarchy is created with a domain ID of the user's company ID, and the user is assigned to the root node of the tree.
  • User is a System Administrator. A new hierarchy is created with a domain ID of the user's company ID.
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