Hierarchy Developer's Guide for Oracle Billing Insight > Basic Hierarchy Manager Use Cases > Exchanging Hierarchy Data Using XML >

XML Schema

The hierarchy importer is flexible enough to import hierarchy relationships as well as link target content. You can decide whether the importer and exporter will deal with only relationships or will also deal with link target content.

To meet these requirements, Hierarchy Manager provides two XML schema definition files:

  • Common-hierarchy-interchange-1.0.xsd. Specifies the format that is core to Hierarchy Manager. It is recommended you use the file as is. The file is located in the following directory:
    • UNIX. EDX_HOME/config/xml
    • Windows. EDX_HOME\config\xml

      For additional information about this schema, see Hierarchy Manager XML Exchange Schema.

      Instance-hierarchy-interchange-1.0.xsd. Is used to customize the hierarchy structure. You can add one or more sections that describe application-specific business objects, or link targets, in the import or export XML file. This file is referenced by the common-hierarchy-interchange-1.0.xsd schema file. So you only need to reference the common-hierarchy-interchange-1.0.xsd file in the XML import or export files. Both the XML importer and exporter share the same XML schema. For additional information about this schema, see Hierarchy XML File Example.

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