Hierarchy Developer's Guide for Oracle Billing Insight > Basic Hierarchy Manager Use Cases > Searching and Filtering Hierarchies >

Searching and Filter Hierarchies Using IHierarchyManager

You can search and filter hierarchies using IHierarchyManager, as shown in the following examples.

Code Example: Retrieving Hierarchies for a User, and by Hierarchy Type

The following code shows an example of retrieving hierarchies for a user, and by hierarchy type:

IHierarchy[] getHierarchies(IUser user)
IHierarchy[] getHierarchies(IUser user, IHierarchyType hierType)
IHierarchy[] getHierarchiesForUser(String userId)
IHierarchy[] getHierarchiesForUser(String userId, IHierarchyType type)

Code Example: Retrieving Hierarchies by Company, and by Hierarchy Type

The following code shows an example of retrieving hierarchies by company, and by hierarchy:

IHierarchy[] getHierarchiesForDomain(String domainId)
IHierarchy[] getHierarchiesForDomain(String domainId,
HierarchyType hierType)

Code Example: Locating a Hierarchy

The following code shows an example of locating a hierarchy:

IHierarchy findHierarchy(String hName, String domainId)

Code Example: Finding the Containing Hierarchy for an Object

The following code shows an example of finding the containing hierarchy for an object:

IHierarchy[] findHierarchyForLinkTargetURI(IHierarchyType type, String linkTargetURI)

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