Integration Guide for Oracle Billing Insight > Integrating Oracle Billing Insight With Oracle BRM >

Installing and Configuring BRM AQAdapter

BRM AQAdapter is provided with Oracle Billing Insight for use provisioning real-time data events from Oracle BRM to Oracle Billing Insight. You can install and run BRM AQAdapter on any computer that can access both the Oracle Billing Insight Web Services application server and the Oracle BRM database. However, you must create the event queue dedicated to Oracle Billing Insight on the Oracle BRM database server.

This task is a step in Process of Setting Up and Integrating Oracle BRM With Oracle Billing Insight.

To install and configure BRM AQAdapter on the Oracle BRM server

  1. Verify that the following products have been installed:
    • Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) Synchronization Queue Data Manager (DM)
    • Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) Manager
  2. Copy the following folder from Oracle Billing Insight to the target Oracle BRM server where you want to run BRM AQAdapter (to be able to run the database script on the Oracle BRM server). BRM AQAdapter can run as standalone application on any computer that can access the Oracle Billing Insight Web Services application server and the Oracle BRM database server.)
    • UNIX. EDX_HOME/integration/adapter
    • Windows. EDX_HOME\integration\adapter
  3. Copy the following folder to a temporary folder on the BRM database server, such as /opt/portal/adapter:
      • UNIX. EDX_HOME/integration/db/adapter
      • Windows. EDX_HOME\integration\db\adapter
  1. On the Oracle BRM database server, connect to the Oracle BRM database as sysdba, and grant AQ privilege to the Oracle BRM schema:
    1. Go to the temporary folder where the scripts are copied, such as /opt/portal/adapter.
    2. Connect to the Oracle BRM db instance as sysdba, for example:

    sqlplus sys/password@TNS_Alias as sysdba


    • password is sys account password of the Oracle BRM database.
    • TNS_Alias is the Oracle BRM database TNS alias.
    1. Grant privilege to the schema, for example:

    SQL>@grant_priv.sql Schema_Name

    In this command, Schema_Name is the BRM schema name.

  2. Create the event queue:
    1. On the Oracle BRM database server, go to the temporary folder where you copied the database scripts, such as /opt/portal/adapter, and connect to the BRM database as the BRM schema owner, for example:

    sqlplus Schema_Name/Password@TNS_Alias


    • Schema_Name is BRM schema name.
    • Password is the BRM schema password.
    • TNS_Alias is the BRM database TNS alias.
    1. Create the event queue:


  3. You must populate the supported BRM payment types and status information, as well as how these definitions map to the Oracle Billing Insight payment type and status.

    Oracle Billing Insight payment type and status definitions can be found in following tables:

    1. Go to the following directory on the Oracle Billing Insight database server:
      • UNIX. EDX_HOME/integration/db/adapter
      • Windows. EDX_HOME\integration\db\adapter
    2. In the following file, add the BRM payment types and status, plus the mappings to the Oracle Billing Insight definitions:


    1. Connect to the Oracle Billing Insight OLTP database as the schema owner, for example:

    sqlplus OLTP_Schema_Name/Password@BillingInsight_TNA_Name

  4. Configure the AQAdapter properties required for integration. On the server where you plan to run AQAdapter, update the parameters in the EDX_HOME/integration/aqadaptor/config/adaptor.properites file for your own environment, for example:

    #Configurations for AQ database
    #BRM database url
    #BRM schema name
    #BRM schema password
    #Queue name for BRM Billing Insight integration
    #Billing Insight web service application URL
    #The date pattern for event date, it should be same as EAI Manager date format
    #Biller ID for BRM system, should match with what you configured for BRM
    #ODI User
    #ODI Password
    #ODI Work Repository Name
    #ETL auto reject flag, value should be 'Y' or 'N' with single quotes'Y'
    #ODI Web Service URI
    #BRM OPCODE connection URI
    infranet.connection=pcp://root.|08|0D5E11BFDD97D2769D9B0DBFBD1BBF7EE301373B06419EA64E70B2765C7E3DE74F@slc00fmw:11960/ /service/admin_client 1

  5. Install and configure BRM DM AQ:
    1. Upload the payloadconfig_ebilling_sync.xml file found in the EDX_HOME/integration/aqadaptor/brm/ directory to the $PIN_HOME/sys/eai_js on the BRM server.

      The payloadconfi_ebilling_sysnc.xml file contains a list of business events and the content of each event that AQAdapter needs to process for the integration.

    2. Log into the BRM server and edit the, file, found in the $PIN_HOME/sys/eai_js/ directory to specify the name of your payload configuration file and set the property infranet.eai.xml_zero_epoch_as_null = false. Change infranet.eai.configFile to the payloadconfig_ebilling_sync.xml file, for example:


    If your Oracle BRM implementation already has an EAI publisher, the Synchronization Queue DM installation program merges the Synchronization Queue DM payload configuration file with the existing payload configuration file that is referenced in the file, located in the $PIN_HOME/sys/eai_js/ directory. For more information on configuring the EAI payload for the Synchronization Queue DM, see Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management Synchronization Queue Manager.

    1. Open the aq_queuenames file in a text editor. This file is located in the $PIN_HOME/sys/dm_aq/ directory. Specify the Oracle Billing Insight queue name and subscribe the events that Oracle Billing Insight requires. Add the same content to the end of the aq_queuenames file located in the EDX_HOME/integration/aqadaptor/brm directory.

      Change $QUEUE_NAME to EBILL_SYNC_QUEUE. If you customized the create_queue.sql script, then use the queue name you created. For more information about configuring the Synchronization Queue DM, see Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management Synchronization Queue Manager.

    2. Specify the list of BRM events that Oracle Billing Insight requires. Open the pin_notify_ebilling file located in the EDX_HOME/integration/aqadaptor/brm directory. Add (merge) the contents into the pin_notify file, located in the PIN_HOME/sys/data/config/ directory. Save the pin_notify file.

      Oracle Billing Insight requires the following events:

      • event/audit/customer/payinfo/cc
      • event/audit/customer/payinfo/dd
      • event/billing/payment/cc
      • event/billing/product/action/purchase
      • event/customer/billinfo/create
      • event/customer/billinfo/modify
      • event/customer/nameinfo
      • event/customer/status
      • event/device/associate
      • event/notification/account/create
      • event/notification/service/create
      • event/notification/service/modify
      • event/notification/service/pre_create
    3. Under the $PIN_HOME/sys/data/config directory, run the following command to load event list into BRM database:

    load_pin_notify pin_notify

    If you are not using the default configuration files, see details about loading the event notification list in Communications Billing and Revenue Management Developer's Guide.

    1. Restart BRM eai_js and dm_aq. Under the $PIN_HOME/bin directory, run the following:


  6. Update the token expiration default value in the Web Services application to prevent it from expiring:
    1. Edit the webservice.xma.xml file, located in the EDX_HOME/xma/config/modules/webservice/directory. In the IWebserviceAuthTokenProvider bean, change the expiredTimeLength value from 20 (the default) to -1.
    2. Restart your Web Services application.
  7. Start AQAdapter:
    1. Verify that the Oracle Billing Insight RESTful Web Service server is running.
    2. Go to the folder where you installed aqadaptor and run the following script:


    1. Enter the CSR admin user name and password.
    2. Check the ./AQAdaptor.log for the following message: BillingInsight AQ Adaptor Started Successfully.
  8. (Linux Only) Stop AQAdaptor. Go to the folder where you installed AQAdaptor and run the following script:


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