Web Services Reference for Oracle Billing Insight > Customizing RESTful Resources > About Customizing Localization Values >

About the Date Format

For a particular locale, when parsing date values in requests or output date values in responses, the pattern used to convert a string to or from the date value is specified in an attribute of the date tag element. For example:

<Call_date pattern="MM/dd/yyyy">09/15/2012</Call_date>

This date attribute is included in all responses of GET requests.

For all POST and PUT resources, the Oracle Billing Insight server requires the XML payload to specify date pattern in the tag element attribute. The server code can then parse the information accordingly. In the following input XML example, the Accept-Language element is es_ES in the request header:

<lastPaymentReceivedDate pattern="dd/MM/yyyy">13/08/2012<

If the date pattern is not explicitly specified in the element attribute, then the default date pattern is used. The default date pattern for each supported locale is specified in the webservice.xma.xml file, located in the following directory:

  • UNIX. EDX_HOME/xma/config/modules/webservice
  • Windows. EDX_HOME\xma\config\moduleswebservice

In the webservice.xma.xml file, the bean DatePatternFactory includes a list of DatePattern beans. Each DatePattern bean represents a pattern for a supported locale. The locale value must match the value stored in the EDX_SYS_LANG table locale CODE column. The datePatternMap contains a map of the pattern keys and values, which lists the possible patterns that can be used for pure Date and Datetime. A pure Date or Datetime value does not include a presentation format. The key and value must be consistent with the resource bundle files that are used by the Oracle Billing Insight Web application.

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