Web Services Reference for Oracle Billing Insight > Customizing RESTful Resources >

Outbound Web Services

Oracle Billing Insight outbound Web services can be invoked from the Oracle Billing Insight application. There are two trigger points in the Oracle Billing Insight Self-Service application:

  • When a user profile is created or updated
  • When a dispute is created or updated

For each of these triggers, there is a Web service connector interface. The methods on the connector interface allow system-integration developers to invoke any operations on the external system, such as updating a user profile to a back-end user management system, or creating a dispute in a CRM system. Configure the implementation classes of these interfaces in the webservice.xma.xml file, located in the following directory:

  • UNIX. EDX_HOME/xma/config/modules/webservice
  • Windows. EDX_HOME\xma\config\moduleswebservice

For example:

<bean id="IDisputeWSConnector" class="com.mycompany.ebilling.myDisputeWSConnector"></bean>
<bean id="IUserProfileWSConnector" class="com.mycompany.myUserProfileWSConnector"> </bean>

For more information, see the reference API Javadoc for the following:

  • com.edocs.common.api.webservice.connector.IUserProfileWSConnector
  • com.edocs.common.api.webservice.connector.IDisputeWSConnector
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