Allowing Employees to Begin Waste Checks and Run Waste Check Reports

  1. In the EMC, select the Enterprise level, click Configuration, and Roles.
  2. Select the role type and click the Operations tab.
  3. Select 263 – Authorize/Begin Menu Item Waste Check to allow employees associated with this role to begin waste checks and to authorize other employees to begin waste checks.
  4. Select the appropriate report privileges as described in the following table:

    Table 9-13 Menu Item Waste Report Privileges

    Privilege Name Allows the Employee to ...

    31062 – Run Employee Waste Report

    Run the Employee Waste Report from the workstation.

    31063 – Run Menu Item Waste Report

    Run the Menu Item Waste Report from the workstation.

    31064 – Run Waste Summary Report

    Run the Waste Summary Report from the workstation.

    31065 – Run Waste Detail Report

    Run the Waste Detail Report from the workstation.

  5. Click Save.