Configuring Email Receipts

  1. In the EMC, select the property, click Setup andProperty Parameters.
  2. On the General tab, click the Primary SMTP Server sub-tab.
  3. Enter information in the fields as described in the following table:

    Table 5-29 Email Receipt Fields

    Field Description


    Enter the email server or service to use. Click Select to choose from the SMTP Server list of commonly used mail servers (for example, Outlook, Gmail, or Yahoo).


    Enter the port number for the SMTP email server. A default port of 587 works for most SMTP servers.


    Select this option to require secure Internet communication.

    User Name

    Enter the user name of the email address that will send receipts.

    Password, Confirm Password

    Enter the password associated with the email user name.

    Source Email

    Enter the full email address to appear as the sender in the emailed receipt. Depending on the SMTP server, this may not create a copy of emails sent.


    Enter the business name or name to appear along with the email in the sender field. Depending on the SMTP server, this value may or may not appear in the sent email (for example, Username = jsmith Name = John could appear as: John<>).

    BCC List

    Enter the email address(es) to receive a blind carbon copy of the email receipt that is sent to the guest. Oracle Hospitality recommends that you list the source email in the BCC field so you can resend copies of email receipts later if necessary.

    Send Test Email

    After saving the information entered in the fields, send a test email receipt message to the source email address. A confirmation appears after the email is successfully sent.

  4. Select Backup SMTP Server.
  5. Configure the Backup SMTP Server with the same settings as the Primary SMTP Server or an alternate server from which to send emails in the event the primary server becomes unavailable.
  6. Select Text Formatting, and enter information in the following fields:
    • Email Subject – Enter text in rich text format to appear as the subject line of email receipts.

    • Email Body – Enter text in rich text format to appear as the body of email receipts. You must include @@Check in the body in order to send a copy of the receipt.

  7. Select HTML Formatting, and enter information in the following fields:
    • Email Subject – Enter text in HTML format as the subject line of email receipts.

    • Email Body – Enter text in HTML format as the body of email receipts. You must include @@Check in the body in order to send a copy of the receipt.

  8. Select the Send Html Email option to dim the Text Formatting tab, and send only HTML format. Deselect this option to dim the HTML Formatting tab and send only the text formatted email.
  9. Click Save.

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