Money Statistics (MoneyMix)

In the following description, you will find the record structure for the abstract database table MoneyMix in which the data for the following statistics is stored:

The following description contains the corresponding field names, the data type and the field size, and a short description of the field contents.

Calculated Amount

Decimal (20,2)

Calculated amount of the closed money transactions for this payment type. If this payment type is a foreign currency, the calculated amount for the local currency (base payment type) is stored here.

Calculated Amount in Foreign Currency

Decimal (20,2)

Calculated amount of the closed money transactions for this foreign currency payment type.

Calculated Quantity

Decimal (20,2)

Quantity of money transactions for this payment type.

Declared Entry

Decimal (20,2)

POS declared entries. With POS declared entries in foreign currencies, the POS declared entry for the local currency (base payment type) is stored here. POS declared entries are confirmed via the <DECLAREDENTRY> key.

Declared Entry Foreign Currency

Decimal (20,2)

POS declared entry for this foreign currency payment type.

Declared Entry Quantity

Decimal (20,2)

Quantity of declared entries.


Decimal (20,2)

Total amount of the float entry. With float entries in foreign currencies, the float for the local currency (base payment type) is stored. Float is to be confirmed via the <FLOATENTRY> key.

Float Foreign Currency

Decimal (20,2)

Total amount of the float entry in foreign currency.

Float Quantity

Decimal (20,2)

Quantity of float entries.

Transfer out Amount

Decimal (20,2)

Total amount of transfers out. With transfers out in foreign currencies, the transfer out amounts are stored in the local currency (base payment type). Transfers out are to be confirmed via the <TRANSFEROUT> key.

Transfer out Foreign Currency

Decimal (20,2)

Total amount of the transfers out in foreign currency.

Transfer out Quantity



Quantity of confirmed transfers out.

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin