Promotion Turnover (PrmtTurnMix)

In the following description, you will find the record structure for the abstract database table in which the data for the following statistics is stored:

  1. Promotion Turnover per Branch = PrmtTurnBrch
  2. Promotion Turnover per Company = PrmtTurnComp
  3. Promotion Turnover per Profit Center. = PrmtTurnProC

The following description contains the corresponding field names, the data type and the field size, and a short description of the field contents.

Actual Turnover

Decimal (12,2)

Actual promotion turnover, minus the promotion discounts or price changes.

Regular Turnover

Decimal (12,2)

Regular turnover that had would have been achieved without promotion discounts or price changes (normal sale).

Special Discounts

Decimal (12,2)

Additionally granted discounts.

Calc. Cost Price

Decimal (12,2)

Currently not in use.

Number of Customers

Number 0 - 99999999

Number of customers within this promotion.

Promotion Turnover

Decimal (12,2)

Promotion turnover without special discounts.

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin