Supplier Item Turnover (SuArtTurnMix)

In the following description, you will find the record structure for the abstract database table SuArtTurnMix in which the data for the following statistics is stored:

The following description contains the corresponding field names, the data type and the field size, and a short description of the field contents.

Delivery Value

Decimal (13,3)

Turnover of all deliveries including discounts, costs and surcharges.


Decimal (13,3)

Number of deliveries for this supplier item.

Quantity of Orders

Decimal (13,3)

Number of orders for this supplier item.

Quantity of Returns

Decimal (13,3)

Number of returns for this supplier item.

Quantity of wrong deliveries

Decimal (13,3)

Number of wrong deliveries for this supplier item.

Quantity of damaged deliveries

Decimal (13,3)

Number of damaged deliveries for this supplier item.

Delayed Deliveries  

Decimal (13,3)

Number of delayed deliveries for this supplier item.

Turnover Discount Value

Decimal (13,3)

Value of the turnover discount.

Quantity Discount Value  

Decimal (13,3)

Value of the quantity value.

Promotion Discount Value

Decimal (13,3)

Value of the promotion discount.

Value of Discount in Kind

Decimal (13,3)

Value of the discount in kind.

Fixed Costs Value

Decimal (13,3)

Value of the fixed costs.

Variable Costs Value

Decimal (13,3)

Value of the variable costs.

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin