Parameters [Reports on Till]

When you print out reports, a selection window is displayed in which you can restrict the printout to particular data records by making selections.

You can avoid this procedure by making selections beforehand, i.e. defining the parameters (= selection criteria).

For every report you start, you can enter particular selection criteria. By default, these values are preset and can be changed to a particular value or modified prior to the report start by use of certain parameters.

Example Report Booking Statistics:

Within an automated report chain, the selection criteria can be defined by use of accordingly configured parameters.

Event Number

Permitted input range: numeric, 1 - 9999

Enter a position number in a subsequent order.


Field Name

Permitted input range: alphanumeric, max. 20 chars.


The meaning of the field names can be found in the following list:

The field names appearing in the list depend on the related selected report, since the selection of the available selection criteria might differ in the related reports.


For this selection criterion, you can define the interval for which the report is to be valid by entering a value in the field Field Value. The following values are permissive.

  1. Year current year values
  2. Month current month values
  3. Week current week values
  4. Day current day values
  5. Shift 1 shift 1 for current day
  6. Shift 2 shift 2 for current day
  7. Shift 3 shift 3 for current day


For this selection criterion, you can define that the values 1, 2 or 3 are to be valid for this report in the defined interval by entering 1, 2, or 3 in the field Field Value.

In the report, the Interval 1 = current month has been defined. By use of the additional parameters:


For this selection criterion, you can define that only the accumulated amounts are put out in this report by entering 1 in the field Field Value.


For this selection criterion, you can define that this report is to be put out  as a short report by entering 1 in the field Field Value.


For this selection criterion, you can define the company for which the report is to be valid by entering a value in the field Field Value.


For this selection criterion, you can define that this report is to apply to the current company by entering 1 in the field Field Value.


For this selection criterion, you can define the branch to which this report is to apply by entering a value in the field Field Value.


For this selection criterion, you can define that this report is to apply to the current branch by entering 1 in the field Field Value.


For this selection criterion, you can define the profit center for which this report is to apply by entering a value in the field Field Value.


For this selection criterion, you can define that this report is to apply to the current profit center by entering 1 in the field Field Value.

Field Value

Permitted input range: numeric, 0 - 9999

Depending on the selected field name, you can enter a value in this field to define the range for the selection criterion. By default, the value 0 is preset. For selections with which only Yes or No are permissive, 0 = NO / 1 = YES applies.


MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin