Database Tables "Objects " (obj)

The following description shows the layout of the database tables for the component obj.

Each of the database tables listed here contains the number of fields with the corresponding table name, the internal field description, the field name, the data type and the field length.

Fields characterized by the "$" sign are primary keys.

For more detailed information on the database tables (e.g. attributes, references, indices etc.) go to the update program System -> Database-> Database Tables.

  1. ProgBase=InstallNo=Installation=Number=1 9999
  2. ProgBase=ProcUnitNo=Process Unit=Number=1 9999

  1. ProgDaemon=InstallNo=Installation=Number=1 9999
  2. ProgDaemon=ProcUnitNo=Process Unit=Number=1 9999

  1. ProgDevice=InstallNo=Installation=Number=1 9999
  2. ProgDevice=ProcUnitNo=Process Unit=Number=1 9999

  1. ProgSrv=InstallNo=Installation=Number=1 9999
  2. ProgSrv=ProcUnitNo=Process Unit=Number=1 9999

  1. Programm=InstallNo=Installation=Number=1 9999
  2. Programm=ProcUnitNo=Process Unit=Number=1 9999
  3. Programm=LanguageNo=Language=Number=1 99
  4. Programm=HasGui=Has Gui=Bool=(Y/N)
  5. Programm=UserName=User Name=String=(20)
  6. Programm=DateFormat=NOTEXT=Number=0 3

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