FSM function

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The following list contains all function names, which are called if the keyboard events XXX / fXXX / XXXn / fXXXn occurs. This list is extracted from the "FSM" files (finite state machine definitions).

The responsible fsm part is member of the list to allow the study of the appropriate fsm-diagram for further/deeper investigations.

This function names may be used to set up appropriate operator profile's to allow or not the named functionality for this operator(group).

Please interpret the keyboard events in the following way:

  • XXX just key XXX presse, no fixed data part, no further input
  • XXXn key XXX pressed with input n
    (e.g. 12345 ART to register article 12345)
  • fXXX just key XXX pressed, no further input, but fixed data present
    from keyboard table (event data)(e.g. fPM, if event data 1 paymenttype 1 is selected)
  • fXXXn key XXX with data entered, fixed data in keyboard layout present.
    (e.g. 30. fPM, event data 1 in keyboard layout means the amount 30,00 in payment type 1)


The following list is set up in order of called function from GC.fsm:

  1. fsm-part
  2. called function = explanation hint
  3. event name


The following list is set up in order of called functions from Payment.fsm:

  1. fsm-part
  2. called function = explanation hint
  3. event name /


The following list is set up in order of called function from Position.fsm:

  1. fsm-part
  2. called function = explanation hint
  3. event name /


The following list is set up in order of called function from Receipt.fsm:

  1. fsm-part
  2. called function = explanation hint
  3. event name


The following list is set up in order of called function from Register.fsm:

  1. fsm-part
  2. called function = explanation hint
  3. event name


The following list is set up in order of called function from Specfunc.fsm:

  1. fsm-part
  2. called function = explanation hint
  3. event name


| Gc.fsm | Payment.fsm | Position.fsm | Receipt.fsm | Register.fsm | SpecFunc.fsm |







MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin