Payment with Foreign Currency (Change in Foreign Currency)

In the following example, a foreign currency is used for payment, the change is also paid back in the foreign currency, the float entry is enforced.

Booking Transaction

  1. After the item has been registered and the subtotal has been calculated, press the ST key. The total purchase price will be displayed in the domestic currency.
  2. Press the appropriate key for the foreign currency. The amount converted into the foreign currency will be displayed.
  3. Enter the amount of money (foreign currency) the customer handed over. Confirm via ST. If there is change to be paid back, it will be displayed in the domestic currency.
  4. Press the foreign currency key once again to get the change displayed in the foreign currency.
  5. Enter the amount of change in the foreign currency and confirm with ST again.

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin