Update of the Card Number Entry with Cheque Payments

Your terminal system is configured in a way that four numbers will always be queried by default with a payment that has been configured as “Cheque” (in the window “Payment Type”). The order is predefined, too. The MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application offers you the option to change both the number of numbers and their order. The latter is only possible, though, if no cheque print is to be carried out. You can also configure your system to allow that a part of the numbers is to be read in via a magnetic card reader and the other is to be entered manually.

You can achieve this by creating a payment type of the category “Cash”. Otherwise this payment type is almost identical with the default payment type “Cheque”.


Two examples will show you the parameter settings of different cheque payments.

  1. Cheque Payment with only one number
  2. Cheque Payment with four numbers, 2 via MCR, 2 manually

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin