Programming of keys

All TopKey keys can be programmed as required in three levels. They can be defined as repeater or non-repeater keys. Normal text characters or key functions can be assigned. Real-time syntax supervision marks incorrect entries immediately by colouring the background of the entry field.


Entry rules

The text characters can be entered directly via the keyboard. The key functions have to be entered as descriptors in square brackets. The syntax of these descriptors is defined and can be selected from a list in the window section "Code word" of dialog window "Key programming".


The square key function brackets can include several independent function descriptors. (More details on function descriptors can be found in the TopKey documentation).


Key functions such as Shift left (LSHIFT), Shift right (RSHIFT), Alt, AltGr, Cntrl left (LCNTRL) and Cntrl right (RCNTRL), referred to below as frame keys, are required to allow links to be created with other keys or functions. These links are identified  by the prefixing of a "+". Frame keys can also be cascaded. The frame keys in sequence (maximum 2 follow-up frame keys) should also be assigned the link character, i.e. "+".


Individual text characters must be prefixed with "+" in a [function bracket ]. Descriptors with several letters which do not match up with the selection list are not permitted even with the linkage "+" character.

Entry of special characters * : [

The characters  *  :  [    represent control functions for the program and should be entered twice (outside the square function brackets) if they are to be evaluated as normal characters. "]" is only evaluated as a control character if "[" was sent in advance as the control character.


The asterisk is programmed as an individual character in the text of a key by entering the character twice in the entry line "**" or enter "[STAR ]" as function key.


If the colon is to be programmed as an individual character in a text for a key, the character should be entered twice in an entry line "::".


The square function bracket which opens the entry is programmed as an individual character in the text of a key by entering the character "[[" twice.

Syntax supervision

Real-time syntax supervision has been implemented to make the operator aware of an incorrect entry of key links immediately. The error is indicated by a different colour in the background of the entry field:


Blue background  =  Entry error

Yellow background  =  square function brackets open

White background  =  correct entry



If the background of the entry field suddenly changes to blue, an incorrect entry has been made (wrong character, character sequence, key combination or individual entry of control characters in text sector not permitted).

The error can be remedied immediately by pressing the "Return" key as often as necessary to make the background colour change back to white (or yellow for opened function bracket).

If the control character ":", "*" or "[" is entered as text character, the blue colour disappears after double entry of the character concerned.



The background of the entry field is marked yellow to identify an opened function bracket. The system switches from yellow to blue within the function bracket if incorrect entries are made. The error is remedied by depressing the "Return" key until the background changes back to yellow. The background turns white again when the content of the brackets is error-free provided that the function bracket is closed with the appropriate character.



The background colour of the entry field must always be white at the end of the entry of an error-free key link.

Entry examples

Character sequence   "This is a header.":             


Character sequence with Return function

This is a trailer[RETURN ]


Character "ü" via key pad Alt 129:

[ALT +Z1 +Z2 +Z9 ]


Key combination  Alt+Shift+F1 (2 cascaded frame keys):



Character  Cntrl+a:

[LCNTRL +a ]


Function key sequence  Cursor up  F10  Cursor down

[UP F10 DOWN ]


Character sequence:  **Tel.: [030]12345** with Enter key:

****Tel.:: [[030]12345****[ENTER ]       

How to program a marked key

Mark a specific key by clicking on it with the mouse. The key is then given a dotted line around the inside of the box.


Click in the marked key with the right-hand mouse key to open the right-hand mouse menu.


Click on the function "Program key" to open dialog window "Key programming". Alternatively, this function can also be called up from menu "File".


Select the required key level by clicking on the appropriate tab margin (standard level, level 1 or level 2)


Click in the entry line with the mouse key.


Enter one or more characters which are to be linked to the key. The entry is transferred 1:1 to this key.


Enter function keys and key combinations, if applicable (see Entry examples). Use the appropriate button from window section "Linkages" to enter the bracket. (Button "]" includes the required leading blank).


 Enter the function key descriptors in the square function brackets with the help of the selection list in window section "Code word" by double clicking on the term required.  (More details on the function descriptors can be found in the TopKey documentation).


Enter the key combinations and cascaded frame keys by initially using button "+". The selection list in window section "Code word" is used to enter the linked function key descriptors.


Enter individual characters via the keyboard only after the link "+". Prefix the mouse cursor to "+" in the entry line (see Entry examples).


Enter the special characters  * [  :  twice if one of them is to be evaluated as a normal text character  (see Entry examples).


Please note the colour information of the syntax supervision during entry.

Key repetition

The key can be defined as a repeater or non-repeater key. The standard setting is "No repetition".


Click in selection range "Repetition" in window section "Repetition" to define a key which can repeat entries.


Click in the selection range "No repetition" to define a key which cannot repeat entries.


The same procedure also applies if this key is to be programmed on different levels.

Click finally on button "OK" to confirm the programming of this key. The programmed key changes the colour marking in the corner from red to blue.

Click on "Abort" if this key is not to be programmed.



If an attempt is made to open a key which has already been defined as a preset in dialog "Key programming" a warning text appears:



Click on "Yes" if the old programming is to be overwritten and the dialog window then opens.


Click on "No" if the old programming is to be retained !

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