Remote print service

Remote print jobs are only stored in the database, when a process unit has been set up for the remote printing service (KitPrintService) in the system and assigned with a terminal. In this case, remote printer jobs are not printed directly, but stored in the database to print them later. This has the consequence that the terminal do not have to wait for the completion to print the remote receipt.


The configuration of remote service consist of the following steps:

  1. Configuration of a  Process unit from type of Oscar-Client.
  2. In field program name must entered he name "KitPrintService".
  3. To assign this process unit to a terminal, you have to enter in program Terminal in field "Remotepr. Proc Unit" the number of the process unit.

In the programs Application -> Remotepr. Service ->
Remotepr. Order, Remotepr Order Pos. and Remotepr. Server Pos., the print jobs can be displayed.

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