MICROS Retail OSCAR POS Message Logger

As an alternative to the information in file "errlog" or “errlog.login" it is also possible to store system entries in so-called *.OML files after the appropriate parameter setting with "MICROS Retail OSCAR POS_OMLPATH=..\logs,30" and "MICROS Retail OSCAR POS_CONSOLE=MESSLOG".


One OML file is created per system unit and per day in the following format: YYYYMMTT.OML. The number of log files stored in the system can be defined by the parameter " MICROS Retail OSCAR POS_OMLPATH=..\logs,30".


The OML file is stored in a specially formatted ASCII format. The file name is the creation date with the extension .OML.


The format layout is as follows:


Message name | Language id | header Suppression flag | message type | message group | printf format



All defined debug information can be activated or deactivated in file ":..\bin\oscar.ini" with parameter "OMLDEBUG=Y".

Formatted information can be obtained with the log analysis program "MsgAn.exe" which can only be called up on the command level.

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MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin