Form Layout Parameters (Kasse.fgl)

In the FGL file Kasse.fgl, various parameters are available for the variable layout of the printout of a guest check on a form or a receipt, the printout of a receipt, of remote printer receipts and of the journal print. If you want to make changes that differ from the default settings, you have to edit the file.

In the following, you will find a list of the parameters with which you can modify the form layouts.

In the file Kasse.fgl, there is a section in which the relevant parameters are marked by start and end comment as follows:

Within this section, the various parameters for the relevant forms are divided into the following blocks:

# Attention: following variables until line ### END USER SUPPORT ###
# can be changed.

#####other GC/receipt flags

LET GCPageLength = 45 #length of form for GC printout
LET RecPageLength = 40 #length of form for NONGC printout
LET ReceiptWidth = Printer.RecColumns #width of receipt/journal paper (29)
LET FormWidth = Printer.SlipColumns #width of form paper (72)
LET KitPrWidth = Printer.RecColumns #width of kitchen printer paper (29)
LET DisplayWidth = 29 #width of receipt window (display)
LET ColWithVat = ReceiptWidth - 9 #the column with vat print for printer
LET ColWithoutVat = ReceiptWidth - 7 #the column without vat print for printer
LET ColWithVatDisp = DisplayWidth - 9 #the column with vat print for screen
LET ColWithoutVatDisp = DisplayWidth - 7 #the column without vat print screen

LET KitPrWidthB = trunc ((KitPrWidth / 2) + 0.5)
#bold width of kitchen printer paper

LET ReceiptWidthB = trunc ((ReceiptWidth / 2) + 0.5)
#bold width of receipt/journal paper

#####GC printout on form positions

LET GCFormBasisCol = 1 #the basis column for the GC on form
LET GCFormHeadCol = GCFormBasisCol + 9 #column for header text GC on form
LET GCFormDateCol = GCFormBasisCol + 9 #column for GC header date, page, table... line
LET GCFormProfCCol = GCFormBasisCol + 9 #column for profitcenter on GC form
LET GCFormPosCol = GCFormBasisCol + 10 #item an other positions on GC
LET GCFormVatCol1 = GCFormBasisCol + 21 #1.column for printing vat GC on form
LET GCFormVatCol2 = GCFormVatCol1 + 19 #2.column for printing vat GC on form
LET GCFormPrePayCol1 = GCFormBasisCol + 14 #prepay position 1 on GC
LET GCFormPrePayCol2 = GCFormPosCol #prepay position 2 on GC
LET GCFormPayCol = GCFormBasisCol + 10 #column for payment pos. GC on form
LET GCFormInvTurnCol = GCFormBasisCol + 5 #column for invoice turnover GC on form
LET GCFormBillNoCol = GCFormBasisCol + 10 #column for bill number GC on form
LET GCFormIntBCol = GCFormBasisCol + 10 #column for interims balance GC on form
LET GCFormUpDCol = GCFormBasisCol + 10 #column for updown pos GC on form
LET GCFormFinCol = GCFormBasisCol + 10 #column for finance pos GC on form
LET GCFormAutInfCol = GCFormBasisCol + 10 #column for eft auto info pos GC on form
LET GCFormSubTCol = GCFormBasisCol + 10 #column for subtotal pos GC on form
LET GCFormChNoCol1 = GCFormBasisCol + 10 #1.column for cheque number pos. GC on form
LET GCFormChNoCol2 = GCFormChNoCol1 + 13 #2.column for cheque number pos. GC on form
LET GCFormVouNoCol1 = GCFormBasisCol + 10 #1.column for voucher number pos. GC on form
LET GCFormVouNoCol2 = GCFormVouNoCol1 + 13 #2.column for voucher number pos. GC on form
LET GCFormLoyPoCol = GCFormBasisCol + 10 #column for loyalty points GC on form
LET GCFormHotNoCol = GCFormBasisCol + 12 #column for hotel credit number pos. GC on form
LET GCFormEuroCol = GCFormBasisCol + 18 #column for euro pos. GC on form
LET GCFormFootCol = GCFormBasisCol + 9 #column for foot text GC on form

#####GC printout on receipt positions

LET GCRecBasisCol = 1 #the basis column for the GC on receipt
LET GCRecVatCol1 = GCRecBasisCol + 0 #1.column for printing vat GC on receipt

LET GCRecVatCol2 = GCRecBasisCol + ReceiptWidth - 11
#2.column for printing vat GC on receipt
LET GCRecInvTurnCol = GCRecBasisCol + 0 #column for invoice turnover GC on receipt
LET GCRecPrePayCol = GCRecBasisCol + 3 #prepay position GC on receipt
LET GCRecChNoCol1 = GCRecBasisCol + 0 #1.column for cheque number pos. GC on receipt
LET GCRecChNoCol2 = GCRecChNoCol1 + 12 #2.column for cheque number pos. GC on receipt
LET GCRecVouNoCol1 = GCRecBasisCol + 0 #1.column for voucher number pos. GC on receipt
LET GCRecVouNoCol2 = GCRecVouNoCol1 + 12 #2.column for voucher number pos. GC on receipt
LET GCRecHotNoCol = GCRecBasisCol + 2 #column for hotel credit number pos. GC on receipt
LET GCRecTipCol1 = GCRecBasisCol + 0 #1.column for tip pos. GC on receipt
LET GCRecTipCol2 = GCRecTipCol1 + 12 #2.column for tip pos. GC on receipt
LET GCRecTipCol3 = GCRecTipCol2 + 2 #3.column for tip pos. GC on receipt

#####NONGC printout on form positions

LET FormBasisCol = 1 #the basis column on form
LET FormVatCol1 = FormBasisCol + 2 #1.column for printing vat on form
LET FormVatCol2 = FormBasisCol + 18 #2.column for printing vat on form
LET FormChNoCol1 = FormBasisCol + 0 #1.column for cheque number pos. on form
LET FormChNoCol2 = FormChNoCol1 + 12 #2.column for cheque number pos. on form
LET FormVouNoCol1 = FormBasisCol + 0 #1.column for voucher number pos. on form
LET FormVouNoCol2 = FormVouNoCol1 + 12 #2.column for voucher number pos. on form
LET FormLoyPoCol = FormBasisCol + 10 #column for loyalty points on form

#####NONGC printout on receipt positions

LET RecBasisCol = 1 #the basis column on receipt
LET RecVatCol1 = RecBasisCol + 2 #1.column for printing vat on receipt

LET RecVatCol2 = RecBasisCol + ReceiptWidth - 11
#2.column for printing vat on receipt

LET RecChNoCol1 = RecBasisCol + 0 #1.column for cheque number pos. on receipt
LET RecChNoCol2 = RecChNoCol1 + 12 #2.column for cheque number pos. on receipt
LET RecVouNoCol1 = RecBasisCol + 0 #1.column for voucher number pos. on receipt
LET RecVouNoCol2 = RecVouNoCol1 + 12 #2.column for voucher number pos. on receipt
LET RecBOPrgCol1 = RecBasisCol + 15 #1.column for shrinkage, inventory header on receipt
LET RecBOPrgCol2 = RecBasisCol + 21 #2.column for shrinkage, inventory header on receipt

#####screen window positions

LET ScrBasisCol = 1 #the basis column for the screen window
LET ScrChNoCol1 = ScrBasisCol + 0 #1.column for cheque number pos. on screen
LET ScrChNoCol2 = ScrChNoCol1 + 12 #2.column for cheque number pos. on screen

#####Linefeed GC on form

LET LFGCFormBeforeHeadText = 2 #linefeeds GC on form before headertext
LET LFGCFormBeforeHeadData = 2 #linefeeds GC on form before headerdata
LET LFGCFormAfterHeadData = 1 #linefeeds GC on form after headerdata
LET LFGCFormBeforePrePay = 0 #linefeeds GC on form before prepay
LET LFGCFormAfterPrePay = 1 #linefeeds GC on form after prepay
LET LFGCFormBeforeST = 0 #linefeeds GC on form before Subtotal
LET LFGCFormAfterST = 0 #linefeeds GC on form after Subtotal
LET LFGCFormBeforePay = 0 #linefeeds GC on form before pay pos
LET LFGCFormAfterPay = 0 #linefeeds GC on form after pay pos
LET LFGCFormBeforeVAT = 1 #linefeeds GC on form before VAT pos
LET LFGCFormAfterVAT = 0 #linefeeds GC on form after VAT pos
LET LFGCFormBeforeInvTurn = 1 #linefeeds GC on form before invoice turnover
LET LFGCFormAfterInvTurn = 1 #linefeeds GC on form after invoice turnover
LET LFGCFormBeforeBillNo = 0 #linefeeds GC on form before billno
LET LFGCFormAfterBillNo = 1 #linefeeds GC on form after billno
LET LFGCFormBeforeLoyPoints = 0 #linefeeds GC on form before loyalty points
LET LFGCFormAfterLoyPoints = 0 #linefeeds GC on form after loyalty points
LET LFGCFormBeforeOper = 1 #linefeeds GC on form before operator name
LET LFGCFormAfterOper = 1 #linefeeds GC on form after operator name
LET LFGCFormBeforeFoot = 2 #linefeeds GC on form before foot

#####Linefeed GC on receipt

LET LFGCRecBeforeHeadText = 0 #linefeeds GC on receipt before headertext
LET LFGCRecBeforeHeadData = 0 #linefeeds GC on receipt before headerdata
LET LFGCRecAfterHeadData = 1 #linefeeds GC on receipt after headerdata
LET LFGCRecBeforePrePay = 0 #linefeeds GC on receipt before prepay
LET LFGCRecAfterPrePay = 1 #linefeeds GC on receipt after prepay
LET LFGCRecBeforeST = 0 #linefeeds GC on receipt before Subtotal
LET LFGCRecAfterST = 0 #linefeeds GC on receipt after Subtotal
LET LFGCRecBeforePay = 0 #linefeeds GC on receipt before pay pos
LET LFGCRecAfterPay = 0 #linefeeds GC on receipt after pay pos
LET LFGCRecBeforeVAT = 1 #linefeeds GC on receipt before VAT pos
LET LFGCRecAfterVAT = 0 #linefeeds GC on receipt after VAT pos
LET LFGCRecBeforeInvTurn = 1 #linefeeds GC on receipt before invoice turnover
LET LFGCRecAfterInvTurn = 0 #linefeeds GC on receipt after invoice turnover
LET LFGCRecBeforeBillNo = 1 #linefeeds GC on receipt before billno
LET LFGCRecAfterBillNo = 1 #linefeeds GC on receipt after billno
LET LFGCRecBeforeLoyPoints = 0 #linefeeds GC on receipt before loyalty points
LET LFGCRecAfterLoyPoints = 0 #linefeeds GC on receipt after loyalty points
LET LFGCRecBeforeOper = 1 #linefeeds GC on receipt before operator name
LET LFGCRecAfterOper = 1 #linefeeds GC on receipt form after operator name
LET LFGCRecBeforeFoot = 0 #linefeeds GC on receipt before foot

#####Linefeed NONGC on form

LET LFFormBeforeHeadText = 2 #linefeeds on form before header
LET LFFormBeforeHeadData = 1 #linefeeds on form before headerdata
LET LFFormAfterHeadData = 1 #linefeeds on form after headerdata
LET LFFormAfterRecCopy = 1 #linefeeds on form after receipt copy text
LET LFFormBeforeST = 0 #linefeeds on form before Subtotal
LET LFFormAfterST = 0 #linefeeds on form after Subtotal
LET LFFormBeforePay = 0 #linefeeds on form before pay pos
LET LFFormAfterPay = 0 #linefeeds on form after pay pos
LET LFFormBeforeVAT = 1 #linefeeds on form before VAT pos
LET LFFormAfterVAT = 0 #linefeeds on form after VAT pos
LET LFFormBeforeOper = 1 #linefeeds on form before operator name
LET LFFormAfterOper = 1 #linefeeds on form after operator name
LET LFFormBeforeLoyPoints = 0 #linefeeds on form before loyalty points
LET LFFormAfterLoyPoints = 0 #linefeeds on form after loyalty points
LET LFFormBeforeFoot = 1 #linefeeds on form before foot

#####Linefeed NONGC on receipt

LET LFRecBeforeHeadText = 2 #linefeeds on receipt before header
LET LFRecBeforeHeadData = 0 #linefeeds on receipt before headerdata
LET LFRecAfterHeadData = 1 #linefeeds on receipt after headerdata
LET LFRecAfterRecCopy = 0 #linefeeds on receipt after receipt copy text
LET LFRecBeforeST = 0 #linefeeds on receipt before Subtotal
LET LFRecAfterST = 0 #linefeeds on receipt after Subtotal
LET LFRecBeforePay = 0 #linefeeds on receipt before pay pos
LET LFRecAfterPay = 0 #linefeeds on receipt after pay pos
LET LFRecBeforeVAT = 1 #linefeeds on receipt before VAT pos
LET LFRecAfterVAT = 0 #linefeeds on receipt after VAT pos
LET LFRecBeforeOper = 1 #linefeeds on receipt before operator name
LET LFRecAfterOper = 1 #linefeeds on receipt after operator name
LET LFRecBeforeLoyPoints = 0 #linefeeds on receipt before loyalty points
LET LFRecAfterLoyPoints = 0 #linefeeds on receipt after loyalty points
LET LFRecBeforeFoot = 1 #linefeeds on receipt before foot

#####GC form print parameters

LET PrGCVatForm = 1 #print VAT lines typ 1/2 on GC form, 0 = no print
LET BoldPosPayGC = FALSE #Print positions and paymenttypes small/bold on GC
LET PrGCOperForm = FALSE #print operator name on GC form, else number
LET PrGCFormEuroCurs = TRUE #print euro rate on GC form
LET PrGCCurrOper = TRUE #if true print the current operator else
#print operator who has started the GC
LET PrGCProCForm = TRUE #print profitcenter name on GC form
LET PrGCPromotForm = FALSE #print promotion total line on GC form
LET PrGcNotMenuPart = TRUE #don't print the menu parts on the GC
#except a part has a (additional) price
LET PrGcNotZeroItem = TRUE #don't print article with price null on GC if TRUE
#except OnTheHouse item, but this one without price

#####NONGC form print parameters

LET PrFormEuroCurs = TRUE #print euro rate on form
LET PrVatForm = 1 #print VAT lines typ 1/2 on form, 0 = no print
LET ChequePrTyp = 'EPS950' #'EPS950' or 'MF' or 'UKTYPE' or 'EPS5000'

#####GC receipt print parameters

LET PrGCVatRec = 1 #print VAT lines typ 1/2 on GC receipt, 0 = no print
LET PrGCPromotRec = FALSE #print promotion total line on GC receipt
LET PrGCRecEuroCurs = TRUE #print euro rate on GC receipt

#####NONGC receipt print parameters

LET PrVatRec = 1 #print VAT lines typ 1/2 on receipt, 0 = no print
LET PrRecEuroCurs = TRUE #print euro rate on receipt
LET PrPromotRec = TRUE #print promotion total line on receipt

LET PrtSignOn = TRUE #print sign on receipts
LET PrtSignOff = TRUE #print sign off receipts

#LET PrtSignOn = FALSE #print sign on receipts
#LET PrtSignOff = FALSE #print sign off receipts

LET PrtBreak = TRUE #print in break receipts
LET PrtFinalOff = TRUE #print final off receipts
LET PrtStartTraining = TRUE #print start training mode receipts
LET PrtEndTraining = TRUE #print end training mode receipts
LET PrtGoes = TRUE #print operator comes receipts (rs/fh)
LET PrtComes = TRUE #print operator goes receipts (rs/fh)
LET PrOperRec = TRUE #print text + operator name on sales receipt
LET PrOperRecMH = TRUE #print text + operator name on payin/payoff/decl... receipt
LET PrtSignOnOffReceiptNo = TRUE #print receipt no. on sign on / off receipts
#see "KasseHF.fgl" "...printOpState"

#####journal print parameters

LET PrJouArtName = FALSE #print full article name on Journal if value TRUE

#####kitchen print parameters

LET PrSortCourse = FALSE #print ItemPositions on kitchen printer in course order

#####other parameter

LET EuroCursDecPointAtFixedPos = TRUE # The decimal point in EURO curs is
# printed at a fixed position.

LET PrintSwipeOrKeyed = TRUE #print 'S'wiped or 'K'eyed char after cardnumber
LET EFTInfoOnSalesReceipt = 0 #set = 1 if you want to have EFT info on sales receipt
LET WithColorPrint = 0 #set to 1/0 for colored/no colored void print
LET PrintCustomerTypeAndName = TRUE
LET PrOriginalRoom = 0 #print original Hotel Room or throw away last digit
LET PrAccPieces = FALSE #print the number of pieces booked
LET SortWithoutPr = FALSE #print sorted position without price
LET PrintCalcCurs = TRUE
LET EuroText = 'EUR'
LET EuroText1 = ' 1 EUR = '

LET PLUMulChar = ' * ' #character for multiplikation of PLU/Dept
LET BOMulChar = 'X ' #character for multiplikation BO prgs at till
LET TextMulChar = ' x ' #character for multiplikation of text pos
LET PayMulChar = ' x ' #character for multiplikation of pay pos
LET AChar = ' a ' #character ' a '


MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin