General Description of the Receipt Archiving and Receipt Log on CD

The MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application allows you to

Receipt Archiving

The receipt archiving allows you to generate files with booking/ receipt data. The files will be generated in the ASCII format and can thus be controlled and viewed independently from MICROS Retail OSCAR POS. The booking transactions will be recorded in chronological order. Similar to the journal print, you can view and print the generated data and control the booking transactions by the terminals or the book dates. If you view the recordings via the function "Receipt Log", you can search for particular text passages via the search function.

The window "Receipt Archiving" can be opened via Application -> Sales. In this window, there are various Selection Criteria, entries in the List Window, Statuses and Functions available.

Selection Criteria:

Via the Selection Criteria, you decide which data (terminal, book date etc.) is to be grouped in a file via the function "Create Receipt Log" or – if the file already exists – only to be viewed. The selection criteria can be defined via the entries and the activation or deactivation of options.

List Window:

In this Window, all files that have been found via the search function will be displayed. This requires that the files have been created via the function "Create Receipt Log".


If you highlight a file in the list window, its status will be displayed. There are the following 5 Statuses:

  1. Amended
    The ASCII files have been manipulated. The option "Changed" cannot be modified. With the automatic activation of this option, the option "Selected" will be deactivated automatically.
  2. Deleted
    The file has been deleted via the function "Receipt Log delete" or via the option "Delete automatic" within the function "Receipt Log -> CD".
  3. Transferred
    The file has been transferred via the function "Receipt Log -> CD". The option will only be activated if the backup has been carried out correctly. MICROS Retail OSCAR POS carries out this examination automatically by use of a control sum and the file length.
  4. Not found
    If an ASCII file has been deleted manually from the directory "TransAsc", it receives the status "Not found".
  5. Selected
    The currently selected file receives the status "Selected", i.e. it can be stored on CD. If the file has been changed (see option "Changed") this option is deactivated. A storage on CD is impossible.


MICROS Retail OSCAR POS offers you 4 Functions:

  1. Create Receipt Log
    Via this function, the receipt data will be stored in ASCII files according to the selection criteria. One file per terminal and day will be created. The file name will be composed as follows:
    The files will be stored in the sub directory ../work/TransAsc which has been created automatically during the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS installation. If a different position or name is used, this can be changed in file RecLogDef.fgl.
  2. Receipt Log display
    The receipt data of the file selected in the list window will be displayed. Via "Search", you can search for particular text passages. This function can also be used with files that have already been deleted from the hard disk.
  3. Receipt Log delete
    This function should be used when the storage on CD has been successful.
  4. Receipt Log-> CD
    After files have been created, the ASCII files can be stored on CD. This is to be done via the function "Receipt Log -> CD". The storage on CD is to be understood as an independent function. There is no obligation to store the files on CD after the receipt archiving. However, due to the amount of data to be expected in the course of time, this option might be useful. For the storage on CD, the program WinOnCD 3.6 is to be used. The path to the program is recorded in file RecLogDef.fgl. The letter of the CD recorder can be changed there too.
    Subsequently, there will be an attempt to read the data from the CD. If the data could not be read or if the wrong control sum has been determined, the file name will be displayed on the screen and written into a file called RecLogError in the directory work.

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin