MICROS Retail OSCAR POS Internet Shop: Configuration and Start

The configuration (see also Overview) and start of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS Internet Shop requires the following:

Software packages for the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS Internet Shop:

Depending on the installed version of Windows 2000 and the Version of the Site Server 3.0 Software and SQL 7.0, various additional software packages and patches have to be installed in a particular successive order.

Help and notes on the installation of Site Server 3.0 and SQL 7.0 in Windows 2000 can be found in the related documentation of the product support service of the manufacturer.

Preparation for the Installation of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS Internet Shop

After the installation of MICROS Retail OSCAR POS, the following files necessary for the generation of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS Internet Shop database are located in the directory..\shop.

During the installation of the Internet Shop, the following terms will be preset and cannot be changed:

All files of the directory "../shop" have to be copied to an installation directory on the computer on which Windows 2000, Site Sever 3.0 and SQL 7.0 are installed.

In the following example:

In the file " InstallShopTextDb.sql", the name of the installation directory has to be adjusted.

Installation Internet Shop / Web Database

The installation of the web database for the Internet Shop is to be carried out via the following command:

During the installation, the service application "ODBC Data Sources Administrator" in which the following entries are to be made will be started:

Stop the program by clicking on the buttons "Forward" and "Finish". The SQL database for the Internet Shop has been generated. The virtual folder "oscshop" has been created in the directory C:\inetpub\wwwroot\oscshop.

Test the Internet Shop with a browser:

or from the site server:

Internet Shop Administration with the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application

On the computer on which MICROS Retail OSCAR POS has been installed, an ODBC data source has to be configured for the communication with the Internet Shop SQL database. Please make sure that the current ODBC driver is installed on this computer. This driver is a part of the MICROSOFT® Data Access Components and has to be installed subsequently, if applicable.

Before you use the update program Shop Administration to configure the Internet Shop and organize its web page structure, you have to make the configuration described below.

Start the service application "ODBC Data Source Administrator" and make the following entries:

Stop the application by clicking on the buttons "Forward" and "Finish".

Test the Internet Shop with a browser:

Internet Shop Properties Administration with the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application

The configuration of the Internet Shop properties, such as Customer Data, payment conditions, minimum order value, customer registration, and the maintenance of the shop contents, such as item groups and items that are to be displayed on the referring web pages of the Internet Shop, is to be carried out directly from the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application via the update program Application -> Shop Utilities ->Shop Administration.

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin