Warranty Sale

A warranty sale is triggered automatically by the terminal system when an item is sold as from a particular price. In this case, the cashier is offered an additional item for selection; a so-called tandem item:. At the end of a warranty sale, a form with the customer data has to be filled in to enable that a warranty receipt with the customer data and item data can be stored in the system and printed on a form.

In cases of warranty claims, the warranty receipt can be opened again at the terminal for further processing by use of the keyboard event "fWARRCLAIM;nnn" (nnn = transaction type number of the category Warranty Claim). Prior to the number input for the transaction type, the appropriate customer has to be selected via the <CUSTOMER> key.

The following program description deals with:

Parameter Settings for the Warranty Sale

For the warranty sale, the following settings have to be configured in the terminal system.

Update program Terminal Type:

Update program Branch:

  • In the update program Branch -> Details 1, the following data has to be maintained to enable the warranty sale for the assigned terminal of this branch.
  • Enter an amount in the field Warranty Limit by which you generally define from which item price of a sales item on a warranty item is to be offered as a tandem.
  • Enter an amount in the field Warranty Aut. Limit (optional). With an entry in this field you define that the operator has to enter an authorization code to carry out a warranty sale when the item price is exceeded.
  • Enter a number in the fields Lower Customer No. and Upper CustNo. Limit by which you define the number range for the customers with warranty sales. With a confirmed warranty sale, the system automatically generates a customer number beginning with the lower customer number entered here.

Update program Item:

  • For the warranty sale, you have to create items. These items have to be characterized with the option "Warranty" and contain the values for the minimum and maximum price as well as the warranty time.

    Warranty items have to be assigned to the same main department as the sales item for which the warranty is to be granted.

Update program Company-> Warranty Nature and Warranty Reason:

  • In the update program Company -> Warranty Nature and Warranty Reason you have to record the texts for the warranty claim that the operator has to select from the dialog during processing at the terminal.

Example of a Warranty Sale

For the items "34567 Wristwatch Men" and "45678 Wristwatch Women", a warranty item is to be offered for selection automatically.

The items "4712 Warranty 3 Years" and "4713 Warranty 2 Years" are stored in the system as warranty items.

Item No.




Min. Price

Max. Price

Warranty Period
















3 Years







2 Years






In the update program Branch – Details, the entry in the field "Warranty Limit" = 100.00 defines generally that only items exceeding a sales price of 100,00 EUR will be considered for a warranty sale.

  1. At the terminal, the item "34567 Wristwatch Men" is sold:
    The item "4713 Warranty 2 Years" is offered for selection as the warranty item.

    For the item 34567, only the warranty item 4713 is offered for selection because the price for this item (110,00 EUR) is below the minimum price of the warranty item 4712.
  2. At the terminal, the item "45678 Wristwatch Women" is sold:
    The items "4713 Warranty 2 Years" and "4712 Warranty 3 Years" are offered for selection as warranty items.

    For the item 45678, the warranty items 4712 and 4713 are offered for selection because the price for this item (150,00 EUR) exceeds the minimum price for the warranty item 4712 and meets the minimum price for the warranty item 4713.
  3. After the selection of a warranty item, a form with the customer data has to be filled in at the terminal to save the data in the system to be able to call it up in cases of warranty claims.

    A warranty sale is always a customer transaction. Please make sure that the number range for the customers with warranty sales has been defined in the update program Branch - Details in the fields Lower Customer Number and Upper CustNo. Limit. With a confirmed warranty sale, the system automatically generates a customer number beginning with the lower customer number entered here.

Processing Warranty Claims

  • Prior to input of the number for the transaction type, the appropriate customer has to be selected via the <CUSTOMER> key.
  • In cases of warranty claims, the warranty receipt can be opened again at the terminal for further processing by use of the keyboard event "fWARRCLAIM;nnn" (nnn = transaction type number of the category Warranty Claim).
  • During the handling of a warranty nature, the operator has to select the description texts for the warranty nature and warranty reason in the current dialog. The corresponding texts are maintained in the update programs Branch -> Warranty Nature and Warranty Reason.

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin