Cashier / Waiter Account - Reporting

You can carry out an operator account via the reports described in the following, i.e. the old account period will be closed (it includes the end date and time) and a new one will be opened (with a new number added by "1", with start date and time).

Further on, there are also reports that are only for information and do not open or close account periods.

You can generally distinguish between

Reports at the POS Terminal

You can call up two reports:

Report 4: Kassierer Kurzabrechnung
Report 6: Kurzabrechnung neue Periode.

Report 4: Cashier Short Account

The cashier short account (REPORT 4) is carried out by the cashiers for themselves at the POS terminal by pressing the appropriate function key.

The report displays the values of the current account period of the operator signed on at the POS system.

The report is only for information,

  • the values will not be set to zero,
  • the account period will not be closed,
  • a new one will not be opened, a new period no. will not be assigned

The report contains the following data:

  • Start date of the account period
  • Start time of the account period
  • Account no.
  • Number of receipts
  • Number of voids
  • Number and value (calc.) of the booked finance and payment types

A description of the POS reports can be found under POS Report or Parameters [POS Reports].

Report 6: Short Account New Period

The short account – new period (REPORT 6), too, is carried out by the cashiers for themselves.

The report displays the turnover of the account period and books the cashier.

The current account period will be closed, a new one will be opened, and the number of the account period will be calculated accordingly. The values of the current (new) account period are “0”. Due to this change to “0”, the POS declared entry has to be made before the report 6 is carried out if you would like a budget / turnover comparison.

You receive the following information:

  • Start date of the closed account period
  • Start time of the closed account period
  • End date of the closed account period
  • End time of the closed account period
  • Number of the closed accountt period
  • Number of receipts
  • Number of payment types (calc.)
  • Sum of payment types (calc.)

A description of the POS reports can be found under POS Report or Parameters [POS Reports].

Reports at the Administration Terminal

The following reports are available:

General notes on the following reports:

  • The operator may be signed on at the administration terminal but not at the POS system. If only one operator has signed on at the POS system the report will generally not be carried out.
  • There is no need for a POS declared entry in advance. If it is carried out the parameter IncOpAccount in the file "runDeclEntry.fgl" is to be paid attention to. Please note that a POS declared entry will possibly set the values to zero, so a cashier report for the current period will contain no values.
  • The values of an account period can only be queried if it actually contains values. Otherwise the system reports "Nothing in selection".
  • Possible errors will be displayed on the screen.

Waiter Account [Cashier Account]

This report contains the data of the current account period. You can call it up via Operator -> Report -> Booking Money Statistics. After printing it out you can close it and open a new one (optional).

In a selection window you can determine

  • if the report is to be cancelled with open Guest Checks,
  • if a new account period is to be opened (i.e. the old one is to be closed),
  • for which operators the report is to be carried out.

You receive the following information (among others):

  • Selection criteria with
    • From/ To operator
    • Cancel with open GC Y/N
    • New account period Y/N
  • Per operator
    • Start/End date, Start/End time of an account period
    • Account No.
    • Last booking date
    • Turnover
    • Statistic data on amounts
    • Statistic data on time
  • Overall sums per all booked operators
    • Start date:
      The earliest found start date of an account period within a selection area
    • Start time:
      The earliest time of an account period within a selection area
    • End date
      Date on which the report is carried out. Please note that this does not have to be the date when the account period is being closed (e.g. if the switch “New account period” is set to “NO” in the selection window).
    • End time:
      Time at which the report is carried out, otherwise see
      "End date"
    • Various statistical values (time recording)

Waiter Account [Cashier Account] - single

The report "Waiter Account – single" is similar to the report Waiter Account in most points, except for the fact that only the cashier signed on at the terminal – the operator – is being booked.

This report, too, can be carried out via Operator -> Report -> Booking Money Statistics, and it provides the data of the current account period. However, the current account period will be closed automatically as long as there are no errors in the account. Possible errors are:

  • Cashier is signed on at the POS system
  • in the hospitality sector: there is still an open GuestCheck

In a selection window you can decide if the report is to be cancelled with an open GuestCheck and you can determine the output medium.

You receive the following information (among others):

  • Number of the closed account period
  • Last booking date
  • Turnover
  • Statistic data on amounts
  • Statistic data on time


  • There is no need for a POS declared entry in advance. If it is carried out the parameter IncOpAccount in the file "runDeclEntry.fgl" is to be paid attention to.

Old Account Period Operator / Date

This report, too, can be carried out via Operator -> Report -> Booking Money Statistics. As the report name says, the report displays the values of the booking and money statistics of previous (closed) account periods. The selection criterion is the date.


  • This report is only for information. You cannot close an account period or open a new one.

In a selection window you can determine the following selection criteria:

  • Company
  • Branch
  • From / To Operator
  • From/ To Account Date
  • From/ To Account Time
  • Output Medium

You receive the following information (among others):

  • Selection criteria
  • Per operator, per account period
    • Start date/time
    • End date/time
    • Number of the closed account period
    • Last booking date
    • Various turnover numbers
    • Statistical values on quantities
    • Statistical values on time
    • Statistical values on voids
    • Statistical values on finance
    • Calculated values of payment types
  • Overall sums of all booked operators
    • All previously listed values referring to operators and periods will be put out as overall sums of all operators and account periods.

Old Account Period Operator / Account Period

This report equals the report previously mentioned in most points. It can be carried out via Operator-> Report -> Booking Money Statistics and provides the values of the booking and money statistics of previous (closed) account periods. The selection criterion is the account period.


  • This report is only for information. You cannot close an account period or open a new one.

In a selection window you can determine the following selection criteria:

  • Company
  • Branch
  • Operator
  • From / To Account No.
  • Output medium

You receive the following information (among others) referring to the period:

  • Beginning and end of the account period
  • Number of the closed account period
  • Last booking date
  • Various statistics (quantities, time, void, finance)
  • Various calculated values

Booking Statistics Operator Account

This report, which can be carried out via Operator -> Report -> Booking Statistics, provides detailed booking data of the current account period. This account period can be closed after the printout (optional), a new one will then be opened.

In a selection window you can determine

  • if the report is to be cancelled with open Guest Checks,
  • if a new account period is to be opened (i.e. the old one is to be closed),
  • for which operators the report is to be carried out..

You receive the following information (among others):

  • Selection criteria with
    • From/To Operator
    • Cancel with open GC Y/N
    • New account period Y/N
  • Per operator
    • Start/end date, Start/end time of an account period
    • Account no.
    • Last booking date
    • Turnover, amount and time statistics
    • Special item statistics
    • Finance statistics
    • GC statistics
    • Misc. statistics
  • Overall sums of all booked operators

Money Statistics Operator Account

This report provides the values of the money statistics. It can be called up via Operator -> Report -> Money statistics. You can view a budget /turnover comparison of already closed or still open account periods for the selected operator. The report is only for information, an open period will not be closed.

After calling up the report and selecting the company, branch, operator and account period in the selection window you will receive the following information, among others:

  • Selection criteria with
    • Operator no.
    • Beginning and end of the account period
    • Number of the account period
  • Per account period
    • per payment type
      • Budget / turnover
      • Differences
      • Change
      • Transout
  • Overall sums (cumulated) of all account periods

Operator State List

This purely informational report can be called up via Operator-> Report -> Basic Data. It lists the state of all selected operators, e.g. the number of the current account period will be displayed.

After you selected the report and the company, branch and from/ to operator, a report will be printed which shows the account period no. and the state of the account period.

Booking Transaction Operator Account

Via Operator -> Booking Transaction, you open the window "Booking Transaction Operator Account". There you receive formal informal information (start / end times etc.) on the selected account period (current or closed). For details go to Booking Statistics Operator Account.

Money Transaction Operator Account

Call this window via Operator-> Report -> Money Transactions. You can enter the company, branch, operator, account period and payment type to be checked. The following data list displays the calculated values of the selected payment type within the selected account period.

Operator State

Via Operator-> Basic Data you open a selection window in which you can define the operator. The output contains the number and turnover of the current account period.

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin