Central DTM

DTM orders are created in head office (main installation) with the DTM client of MICROS Retail OSCAR POS and these are then started there at defined intervals.


In certain cases it is also possible to send DTM orders from the branch (sub-installation) to head office where these can then be executed.


The following steps are necessry for this type of DTM order:




Normally, function "Update Installation" is only carried out once daily in head office so that the latest basic data from head office is available in the branch.

If a branch needs to receive new basic data at any time from head office a DTM order (UPDATEINSTALLATION) is sent by the branch to head office. This is done in the branch manually with report Application -> DTM -> DTM Order -> Report "Central DTM" or by including this report in a chaining report which is called up with a "Scheduler".

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin