Report Examples:
Calendar Day, Booking Day, Periods, GuestChecks

This chapter contains four examples of reports.

1st Example:

In the reports REPORT 3 and 4, a turnover of EUR 4000.00 will be displayed.

2nd Example:

3rd Example:

On June 1, a GuestCheck is opened which will be closed only on June 2. The turnover of EUR 2200.00 will be booked in the booking day June 30.

4th Example:

On booking day June 1, a GuestCheck is opened; EUR 20.00 are booked. Then the booking day is changed (to June 2). All further turnover will be booked in the booking day June 2. The split-up of the GC turnover into two booking days is not relevant for the waiter since the turnover has been produced within the waiter report period.

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Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin