FSM Positions

The following program description deals with:

Remarks on the Function Keys

In the following description, the available function keys and the related keyboard events for position functions (Position.fsm) will be explained. In addition to the keyboard events, the corresponding FSM functions necessary for viewing the FSM diagrams and creating a Profile for the operator can be found here.

The following events  are permitted.

The keyboard events have to be understood as follows:

Please note that in addition to the keyboard function, every key can be assigned an ASCII sign for the usage of the ASCII entry. The ASCII entry will be stopped when a key for which no ASCII sign has been entered is pressed. Function keys of which the key codes begin with an “f” are preset keys.

C (Abort EFT)


Keyboard Event = <ARTn

FSM Function = artPriceKeyedIn


Keyboard Event = <ARTn

FSM Function = checkArt


Keyboard Event = <ARTn

FSM Function = articleInput


Keyboard Event = <ART

FSM Function = articleRepetition

Item (Selection)

Keyboard Event = <ARTn

FSM Function = artSelect

Item Preset Key

Keyboard Event = <FW

FSM Function = fixedKey

Item Preset Key

Keyboard Event = <FWn

FSM Function = artPriceKeyedIn

Item Preset Key

Keyboard Event = <FW

FSM Function = fixedArtSelect

Item Preset Key

Keyboard Event = <FWn

FSM Function = fkInput

Item Preset Key

Keyboard Event = <fART

FSM Function = fixedKeyRepetition

Item Repetition

Keyboard Event = <REP

FSM Function = lastPosRepetition

Item Selection

Keyboard Event = <ARTn

FSM Function = keyedInArtSelect

Item Level

Keyboard Event = <SHIFT

FSM Function = addShift

Item Level Preset Key

Keyboard Event = <fSHIFT

FSM Function = setShift

Item Level Type

Keyboard Event = <SHIFTn

FSM Function = setShift

Item Search

Keyboard Event = <SEARCHART

FSM Function = hintSelect


Keyboard Event = <ASCII

FSM Function = prepAsciiInput

On Call

Keyboard Event = <ONCALL

FSM Function = onCall


Keyboard Event = <TA

FSM Function = takeAwayPos


Keyboard Event = <TA

FSM Function = changeToTA

Scroll up

Keyboard Event = <PREV

FSM Function = scrollUP

Page down

Keyboard Event = <NEXTPAGE

FSM Function = pageDOWN

Page up

Keyboard Event = <PREVPAGE

FSM Function = pageUP

Scroll down

Keyboard Event = <NEXT

FSM Function = scrollDOWN

Scroll down (Receipt Selection)

Keyboard Event = <NEXT

FSM Function = scrollRecDOWN

Scroll up (Receipt Selection)

Keyboard Event = <PREV

FSM Function = scrollRecUP

C (Abort Receipt Selection)

Keyboard Event = <C

FSM Function = endScrollRec

C (Abort Menu)

Keyboard Event = <C

FSM Function = resetMenu

C (Abort Menu Position Selection)

Keyboard Event = <C

FSM Function = endMenuPosList

C (Abort Scale Item)

Keyboard Event = <C

FSM Function = scaleReset

C (Warning Text Verification)

Keyboard Event = <C

FSM Function = clearWarnText

Direct Void

Keyboard Event = <DVOID

FSM Function = errorCorrection

Direct Void

Keyboard Event = <DVOID

FSM Function = errorCorrection

Finance Transaction Preset Key

Keyboard Event = <fFIN

FSM Function = financePreset

Finance Transaction Preset Key (Input Amount)

Keyboard Event = <fFINn

FSM Function = financeInput


Keyboard Event = <COURSEn

FSM Function = courseInput

Course Preset Key

Keyboard Event = <fCOURSE

FSM Function = coursePosPreset


Keyboard Event = <PACKAGE



Keyboard Event = <COUPONn

FSM Function = prepCoupon

On the House

Keyboard Event = <OTH

FSM Function = onTheHousePos

On the House

Keyboard Event = <OTH

FSM Function = changeToOTH

On the House Preset Key

Keyboard Event = <fOTH

FSM Function = onTheHousePreset

On the House Type

Keyboard Event = <OTHn

FSM Function = specialOnTheHouseRec

Return Customer

Keyboard Event = <CUSTRET

FSM Function = RecFsm.retoureCust


Keyboard Event = <MENU

FSM Function = showMenuPos


Keyboard Event = <Xn

FSM Function = multiplicateText


Keyboard Event = <Xn

FSM Function = multiplicationStart


Keyboard Event = <Xn

FSM Function = multiplication

Multiplication Menu

Keyboard Event = <Xn

FSM Function = menuMult

Mutiplication (Change Quantity)

Keyboard Event = <Xn

FSM Function = changeSelPosAmount

VAT Preset Key

Keyboard Event = <fSPECVAT

FSM Function = specVatPos

VAT Type

Keyboard Event = <SPECVATn

FSM Function = specVatPos

New Price (LastPosition)

Keyboard Event = <NEWPRICEn

FSM Function = changeLastPosPrice

New Price (Position)

Keyboard Event = <NEWPRICEn

FSM Function = changeSelPosPrice


Keyboard Event = <NR

FSM Function = voucherPrint


Keyboard Event = <DEPOSIT

FSM Function = depositPos

Position Number

Keyboard Event = <NOn

FSM Function = posNo

Price Info

Keyboard Event = <PRICEINFO

FSM Function = priceInfoStart

Price Level

Keyboard Event = <LEVn

FSM Function = priceLevelPos

Price Level

Keyboard Event = <LEVn

FSM Function = changePriceLevel

Price Level Preset Key

Keyboard Event = <fLEV

FSM Function = priceLevelPreset

Price Level Preset Key

Keyboard Event = <fLEV

FSM Function = changeFixedPriceLevel


Keyboard Event = <PERCn

FSM Function = percentInput

Discount Preset Key

Keyboard Event = <fDISC

FSM Function = positionDiscount

Discount Preset Key

Keyboard Event = <fDISC

FSM Function = posDiscPerc

Discount Preset Key (Input)

Keyboard Event = <fDISCn

FSM Function = posDiscInp


Keyboard Event = <RET

FSM Function = returnPos

Return Preset Key

Keyboard Event = <fRET

FSM Function = returnPosPreset

Return Type

Keyboard Event = <RETn

FSM Function = specialReturnPos


Keyboard Event = <STn

FSM Function = defaceMultipleTicket


Keyboard Event = <ST

FSM Function = prepReSelect

ST (Item Selection)

Keyboard Event = <ST

FSM Function = actArtSelect

ST (Item Selection)

Keyboard Event = <ST

FSM Function = scrolledArticleInput

ST (Item Selection Input)

Keyboard Event = <STn

FSM Function = selArtSelected

ST (End Text Input)

Keyboard Event = <STn

FSM Function = textEnd

ST (Menu Course Selection)

Keyboard Event = <ST

FSM Function = menuPartTextEnd

ST (Price Input Item)

Keyboard Event = <STn

FSM Function = artPriceKeyedIn

ST (Price Input Department)

Keyboard Event = <STn

FSM Function = asDeptInput

ST (Price Input Department)

Keyboard Event = <STn

FSM Function = deptPriceKeyedIn

ST (Text Selection)

Keyboard Event = <ST

FSM Function = scrolledText

ST (Text Input)

Keyboard Event = <STn

FSM Function = text

ST Price Input

Keyboard Event = <STn

FSM Function = asPriceInput


Keyboard Event = <VOID

FSM Function = changeToVoidPos


Keyboard Event = <PLATE

FSM Function = addPlateNumber


Keyboard Event = <TXTn

FSM Function = text


Keyboard Event = <TEXTn

FSM Function = posText


Keyboard Event = <TEXTn

FSM Function = posText

Text Preset Key

Keyboard Event = <fTEXT

FSM Function = posText

Text Preset Key

Keyboard Event = <fTXT

FSM Function = fixedText

Text Preset Key

Keyboard Event = <fTEXT

FSM Function = posText


Keyboard Event = <TL

FSM Function = finishActCourse


Keyboard Event = <SPn

FSM Function = changeSPKeyedIn


Keyboard Event = <DEPTn

FSM Function = deptKeyedIn


Keyboard Event = <DEPT

FSM Function = deptRepetition

Department Preset Key

Keyboard Event = <fDEPT

FSM Function = deptSelect

Department Preset Key

Keyboard Event = <fDEPT

FSM Function = deptFixedRepetition

Department Preset Key Input Amount

Keyboard Event = <fDEPTn

FSM Function = deptFixedPrice

Department Preset Key Input Price

Keyboard Event = <fDEPTn

FSM Function = deptPriceKeyedIn

Department Preset Key Input Price

Keyboard Event = <fDEPTn

FSM Function = deptFixedPrice

Department Input Price

Keyboard Event = <DEPTn

FSM Function = deptPriceKeyedIn

Department Selection

Keyboard Event = <DEPTn

FSM Function = deptSelect

Line Void

Keyboard Event = <LVOID

FSM Function = RecFsm.cancel


ART ->Item-> articleRepetition

ARTn ->Item -> artPriceKeyedIn

ARTn ->Item -> checkArt

ARTn ->Item -> articleInput

ARTn ->Item (Selection)-> artSelect

ARTn ->Item Selection-> keyedInArtSelect

ASCII ->ASCII (Shift ASCII)-> prepAsciiInput

C ->C (Abort Receipt Selection)-> endScrollRec

C ->C (Abort Menu)-> resetMenu

C ->C (Abort Menu Position Selection)-> endMenuPosList

C ->C (Abort Scale Item)-> scaleReset

C ->C (Warning Text Verification)-> clearWarnText

COUPONn ->Coupon-> prepCoupon

COURSEn ->Course-> courseInput

CUSTRET ->Return Customer-> RecFsm.retoureCust

DEPOSIT ->Deposit-> depositPos

DEPT ->Department-> deptRepetition

DEPTn ->Department-> deptKeyedIn

DEPTn ->Department Input Price-> deptPriceKeyedIn

DEPTn ->Department Selection-> deptSelect

DVOID ->Direct Void-> errorCorrection

DVOID ->Direct Void-> errorCorrection

fART ->Item Preset Key-> fixedKeyRepetition

fCOURSE ->Course Preset Key-> coursePosPreset

fDEPT ->Department Preset Key-> deptSelect

fDEPT ->Department Preset Key-> deptFixedRepetition

fDEPTn ->Department Preset Key Input Amount-> deptFixedPrice

fDEPTn ->Department Preset Key Input Price-> deptPriceKeyedIn

fDEPTn ->Department Preset Key Input Price-> deptFixedPrice

fDISC ->Discount Preset Key-> positionDiscount

fDISC ->Discount Preset Key-> posDiscPerc

fDISCn ->Discount Preset Key Input-> posDiscInp

fFIN ->Finance Transaction Preset Key-> financePreset

fFINn ->Finance Transaction Preset Key Input Amount-> financeInput

fLEV ->Price Level Preset Key-> priceLevelPreset

fLEV ->Price Level Preset Key-> changeFixedPriceLevel

fOTH ->On the House Preset Key-> onTheHousePreset

fRET ->Return Preset Key-> returnPosPreset

fSHIFT->Item Level Preset Key->setShift

fSPECVAT ->VAT Preset Key-> specVatPos

fTEXT ->Text Preset Key-> posText

fTEXT ->Text Preset Key-> posText

fTXT ->Text Preset Key-> fixedText

FW ->Item Preset Key-> fixedKey

FW ->Item Preset Key-> fixedArtSelect

FWn ->Item Preset Key-> artPriceKeyedIn

FWn ->Item Preset Key-> fkInput

LEVn ->Price Level-> priceLevelPos

LEVn ->Price Level-> changePriceLevel

LVOID ->Line Void-> RecFsm.cancel

MENU ->Menu-> showMenuPos

NEWPRICEn ->New Price (Last Position-> changeLastPosPrice

NEWPRICEn ->New Price (Position)-> changeSelPosPrice

NEXT ->Scroll down-> scrollDOWN

NEXT ->Scroll down  (Receipt Selection)-> scrollRecDOWN

NEXTPAGE ->Page down-> pageDOWN

NOn ->Position Number-> posNo

NR ->Number-> voucherPrint

ONCALL ->On Call-> onCall

OTH ->On the House-> onTheHousePos

OTH ->On the House-> changeToOTH

OTHn ->On the House Type-> specialOnTheHouseRec

PACKAGE ->Pack-> package

PERCn ->Percent -> percentInput

PLATE ->Plate-> addPlateNumber

PREV ->Scroll up-> scrollUP

PREV ->Scroll up (Receipt Selection)-> scrollRecUP

PREVPAGE ->Page up-> pageUP

PRICEINFO ->Price Info-> priceInfoStart

REP ->Item Repetition-> lastPosRepetition

RET ->Return-> returnPos

RETn ->Return Type-> specialReturnPos

SEARCHART ->Item Search-> hintSelect

SHIFT->Item Level->addShift

SHIFTn->Item Level Type->setShift

SPECVATn ->VAT Type-> specVatPos

SPn ->Salesman-> changeSPKeyedIn

ST ->ST -> prepReSelect

ST ->ST (Item Selection)-> actArtSelect

ST ->ST (Item election)-> scrolledArticleInput

ST ->ST (Menu Course Selection)-> menuPartTextEnd

ST->ST (Text Selection)->scrolledText

STn ->ST-> defaceMultipleTicket

STn ->ST (Item Selection Input)-> selArtSelected

STn ->ST (End Text Input)-> textEnd

STn ->ST (Price Input Item)-> artPriceKeyedIn

STn ->ST (Price Input Department)-> asDeptInput

STn ->ST (Price Input Department)-> deptPriceKeyedIn

STn ->ST (Text Input)-> text

STn ->ST Price Input-> asPriceInput

TA ->Take away-> takeAwayPos

TA ->Take away-> changeToTA

TEXTn ->Text-> posText

TEXTn ->Text-> posText

TL ->Total-> finishActCourse

TXTn ->Text -> text

VOID ->Void-> changeToVoidPos

Xn ->Multiplication-> multiplicateText

Xn ->Multiplication-> multiplicationStart

Xn ->Multiplication-> multiplication

Xn ->Multiplication Menu-> menuMult

Xn ->Multiplication (Change Quantity)-> changeSelPosAmount

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin