FSM Receipt (Receipt.fsm)

The following program description deals with:

Remarks on the Function Keys

In the following description, the available function keys and the related keyboard events for receipt functions (Receipt.fsm) will be explained. In addition to the keyboard events, the corresponding FSM functions necessary for viewing the FSM diagrams and creating a Profile for the operator can be found here.

The following events  are permitted.

The keyboard events have to be understood as follows:

Please note that in addition to the keyboard function, every key can be assigned an ASCII sign for the usage of the ASCII entry. The ASCII entry will be stopped when a key for which no ASCII sign has been entered is pressed. Function keys of which the key codes begin with an „f“ are preset keys

C (Abort EFT)

On Call

·        Keyboard event = <ONCALL>

·        FSM function = onCallRec


·        Keyboard event = <TA>

·        FSM function = takeAway

On-the-house preset key

·        Keyboard event = <fOTH>

·        FSM function = onTheHousePreset

Authorization preset key

·        Keyboard event = <fAUTORIZE>

·        FSM function = autoChange

Authorization (operator)

·        Keyboard event = <AUTORIZEn>

·        FSM function = autoChange

Next page

·        Keyboard event = <NEXTPAGE>

·        FSM function = pageDown

Previous page

·        Keyboard event = <PREVPAGE>

·        FSM function = pageUp

Scroll down

·        Keyboard event = <NEXT>

·        FSM function = scrollDown

Scroll up

·        Keyboard event = <PREV>

·        FSM function = scrollUp

Receipt abort

·        Keyboard event = <VOID>

·        FSM function = recAbort

Receipt print On

·        Keyboard event = <RECON>

·        FSM function = recOn

Receipt print On/Off

·        Keyboard event = <REC>

·        FSM function = recPrintToggle

Receipt lay aside

·        Keyboard event = <RECLS>

·        FSM function = recLayAside

Receipt lay aside

·        Keyboard event = <RECLSG>

·        FSM function = retrieveGlobal

C (end customer selection)

·        Keyboard event = <C>

·        FSM function = endCustList


·        Keyboard event = <COURSEn>

·        FSM function = courseInput

Course preset key

·        Keyboard event = <fCOURSE>

·        FSM function = coursePosPreset


·        Keyboard event = <PACKAGE>

·        FSM function = package

On-the-house receipt

·        Keyboard event = <OTH>

·        FSM function = onTheHouseRec

On-the-house receipt type

·        Keyboard event = <OTHn>

·        FSM function = specialOnTheHouse

Journal print On

·        Keyboard event = <JOUON>

·        FSM function = jouOn

Journal print On/Off

·        Keyboard event = <JOU>

·        FSM function = jouPrintToggle


·        Keyboard event = <CUSTOMERn>

·        FSM function = customer

Customer preset key

·        Keyboard event = <fCUSTOMER>

·        FSM function = customer

Customer type

·        Keyboard event = <CUSTn>

·        FSM function = custTyp

Customer type preset key

·        Keyboard event = <fCUST>

·        FSM function = custTyp

Customer type preset key with entry

·        Keyboard event = <fCUSTn>

·        FSM function = fixCustTypMul

Customer selection

·        Keyboard event = <CUSTOMER>

·        FSM function = searchCust

VAT print

·        Keyboard event = <VAT>

·        FSM function = vatPrinting

VAT preset key

·        Keyboard event = <fSPECVAT>

·        FSM function = specVatRec

VAT type

·        Keyboard event = <SPECVATn>

·        FSM function = specVatRec


·        Keyboard event = <DEPOSIT>

·        FSM function = depositRec

Price level

·        Keyboard event = <LEVn>

·        FSM function = priceLevel

Price level preset key

·        Keyboard event = <fLEV>

·        FSM function = priveLevelPrset

Percent Input

·        Keyboard event = <PERCn>

·        FSM function = percentInput

Discount preset key

·        Keyboard event = <fDISC>

·        FSM function = cashInRecSum

Discount preset key

·        Keyboard event = <fDISC>

·        FSM function = stDiscount

Discount preset key

·        Keyboard event = <fDISC>

·        FSM function = stDiscPerc

Discount preset key with input

·        Keyboard event = <fDISCn>

·        FSM function = cashInAmount

Discount preset key with input

·        Keyboard event = <fDISCn>

·        FSM function = stDiscInp


·        Keyboard event = <RET>

·        FSM function = itemReturn

Returns preset key

·        Keyboard event = <fRET>

·        FSM function = returnPreset

Returns type

·        Keyboard event = <RETn>

·        FSM function = specialReturn

Retrieve lay aside receipt

·        Keyboard event = <RECLSn>

·        FSM function = retrieveReceipt

Retrieve lay aside receipt

·        Keyboard event = <ST>

·        FSM function = retrieveMarked


·        Keyboard event = <STn>

·        FSM function = autoPasswd


·        Keyboard event = <STn>

·        FSM function = displayFactor

ST customer selection

·        Keyboard event = <ST>

·        FSM function = selectCust

ST customer no.

·        Keyboard event = <STn>

·        FSM function = custSpecification


·        Keyboard event = <VOID>

·        FSM function = cancel

Void receipt

·        Keyboard event = <RVOID>

·        FSM function = voidReceipt

Void receipt

·        Keyboard event = <VOID>

·        FSM function = voidReceipt


·        Keyboard event = <ST>

·        FSM function = balance


·        Keyboard event = <ST>

·        FSM function = subTotal


·        Keyboard event = <TL>

·        FSM function = checkDiscounts

Total (finalise coll.receipt)

·        Keyboard event = <TL>

·        FSM function = collectiveRecEnd

Total single receipt

·        Keyboard event = <TL [isCollRec]>

·        FSM function = singleRec

Total collective receipt

·        Keyboard event = <TL [isSingleRec]>

·        FSM function = collRec


·        AUTORIZEn -> Authorization (operator)~autoChange

·        C -> C (end customer selection)~endCustList

·        COURSEn -> Course~PosFsm.courseInput

·        CUSTn -> Customer type~custTyp

·        CUSTOMER -> Customer selection~searchCust

·        CUSTOMERn -> Customer~customer

·        DEPOSIT -> Deposit~depositRec

·        fAUTORIZE -> Authorization preset key~autoChange

·        fCOURSE -> Course preset key~PosFsm.coursePosPreset

·        fCUST -> Customer type preset key~custTyp

·        fCUSTn -> Customer type preset key with input~fixCustTypMul

·        fCUSTOMER -> Customer preset key~customer

·        fDISC -> Discount preset key~cashInRecSum

·        fDISC -> Discount preset key~stDiscount

·        fDISC -> Discount preset key~stDiscPerc

·        fDISCn -> Discount preset key with input~cashInAmount

·        fDISCn -> Discount preset key with input~stDiscInp

·        fLEV -> Price level preset key~priveLevelPrset

·        fOTH -> On-the-house preset key~onTheHousePreset

·        fRET -> Returns preset key~returnPreset

·        fSPECVAT -> VAT preset key~specVatRec

·        JOU -> Journal print On/Off~jouPrintToggle

·        JOUON -> Journal print On~jouOn

·        LEVn -> Price level~priceLevel

·        NEXT -> Scroll down~scrollDown

·        NEXTPAGE -> Page down~pageDown

·        ONCALL -> On call~onCallRec

·        OTH -> On-the-house receipt~onTheHouseRec

·        OTHn -> On-the-house receipt type~specialOnTheHouse

·        PACKAGE -> Package~PosFsm.package

·        PERCn -> Percent input~percentInput

·        PREV -> Scroll up~scrollUp

·        PREVPAGE -> Page up~pageUp

·        REC -> Receipt print On/Off~recPrintToggle

·        RECLS -> Receipt lay aside~recLayAside

·        RECLSG -> Receipt lay aside~retrieveGlobal

·        RECLSn -> Retrieve lay aside receipt~retrieveReceipt

·        RECON -> Receipt print On~recOn

·        RET -> Returns~itemReturn

·        RETn -> Returns type~specialReturn

·        RVOID -> Void receipt~voidReceipt

·        SPECVATn -> VAT type~specVatRec

·        ST -> Retrieve lay aside receipt~retrieveMarked

·        ST -> ST customer selection~selectCust

·        ST -> ST~balance

·        ST -> ST~subTotal

·        STn -> ST-~autoPasswd

·        STn -> ST-~displayFactor

·        STn -> ST customer no.~custSpecification

·        TA -> Takeaway~takeAway

·        TL [isCollRec] -> Total single receipt~singleRec

·        TL [isSingleRec] -> Total collect receipt~collRec

·        TL -> Total -~checkDiscounts

·        TL -> Total (finalise coll.receipt))~collectiveRecEnd

·        VAT -> VAT print~vatPrinting

·        VOID -> Receipt abort~recAbort

·        VOID -> Void~cancel

·        VOID -> Void receipt~voidReceipt

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin