Login Unit (Administration)

For the data administration of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application, a Process Unit of the Login Unit type should be set up in your system.

Login units have to be set up if you want to sign on at a System Unit of a different Installation for remote maintenance. This may be a process unit of a different installation within a local network or a remote process unit of a different installation via a DTM connection.

The remote maintenance (System -> Configuration -> Installation -> Remote Oscar) requires that a process unit of the login unit type is set up for all installations at which you would like to sign on.

Process units of the login unit type can be started by an authorized user via the command "oscar".

Entry of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS_USER=Username in file "oscar.ini" changes the reaction of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS only under Vista. No changes occur with all other Windows operating systems.

If the environment variable "MICROS Retail OSCAR POS_USER" is not set under Vista the Oscar service (oscard) automatically starts all processing units which are to be started with GUI in the currently valid console session (if a console session exists). Normally, terminals which operate with auto login can then be operated.

If, however, MICROS Retail OSCAR POS_USER=Username was set oscard automatically starts the appropriate processing units with GUI only in sessions for the operator stated (if this person has been signed on at the processor). This setting can be advisable if the operators continuously change at a system unit or the system unit is to be operated via Remote-Desktop / Terminal server.

Procedure for set up of a Login Unit for the operation of an administration Terminal:

  1. Create a user in Windows.
  2. Create a process unit of the type login unit.
    Enter the Installation no.
    Enter a number for the Process Unit
    Enter a Descriptor (e.g. Admin)
    Enter a Login Name. This must be the valid name of the authorized Windows user (cp. no. 1).
  3. Select the program type Oscar Client.
  4. No system unit selection
  5. No language selection
  6. Graphic = yes
  7. Has database= no

After the configuration of this process unit of type login unit, you can sign on at every system unit you like within an installation using the command "oscar".

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MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin