Backup data on streamer tape (Windows)

This chapter describes how to backup data on a streamer tape on the operating system level Windows operating systems. Help on how to restore data can be found in the documentation Data Restoration.


Carry out data backups – on a regular basis – as follows:

  1. Make sure the correct tape has been inserted into the streamer.
  2. Click on the Start button in the taskbar of your Windows operating system computer.
  3. Select Programs from the opened window. Another window will open.
  4. Select the program Streamer Backup in Administration (general). By this, you open the screen page with the streamer backup menu.
  5. Make sure (via Window) that you selected Drives. By use of a double click, you can view the directory structure of your hard disk. You can select whole directory trees, single directories or even single files.
  6. After selecting the directories or files to be backed up, click on the button Backup.
  7. The window Backup Information will be opened in which you can define the backup method: Name of the tape on which the data is to be stored, Type of procedure, Replace / add data, Compress Y/N, if supported by the streamer etc. Click on OK after making all entries.
  8. The data backup will be started. The currently processed files will be displayed in the window Backup Status.
  9. If the data backup has been successful, the message "The procedure has been successfully completed" will appear.
  10. Click on OK, the data restoration is now complete.

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