Offline Debit Programs

Offline debits are to be processed via the following programs:

  1. List of the Offline Debits
    This report program provides you with a general overview of all offline debits stored in the system.
  2. DTAUS0.TXT first writing out
    Offline debits are stored in the file DebitPay. In order to transfer them to the bank institute, they have to be converted into a format that the bank is able to read. This is done by the data record writing outs.
  3. DTAUS0.TXT repeated writing out
    If the first data record write out was not enough, e.g. because debits have been added, the writing out will be carried out repeatedly.
  4. Copy DTAUS0.TXT to Disk
    Subsequently, the written-out data records will be copied to a floppy disk.
  5. DTAUS0.TXT Protocol
    During the copy process, a protocol will be generated which can be viewed by use of this program. At the same time, a data transfer advice paper will be generated that will be given to the bank along with the disk(s).

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin