
By use of a Promotion, you can define modified sales options such as price or discount for particular items for a defined time period.

A new algorithm for promotions can be used with MICROS Retail OSCAR POS by:

·        Setting up the following environment variable in the "oscar.ini" file: NEWPROMOTION=Y

·        Installing "lpsolve55" into "bin" folder. Lpsolve can be retrieved here.

Currently the following promotion types can be used with the new algorithm:

Promotion type





Umsatz / Guppe


Turn %/group

Umsatz % / Gruppe


Turn. item

Umsatz Artikel


Perc. turnover

Proz. Umsatz


Total turnover



Set price



Price table



Cheapest free

Billigster frei


Free item

Natuaral Rabatt



By use of a promotion, you can change the item prices and their conditions for a defined time period. You can e.g. give a discount or surcharge for particular items. Furthermore, you can define that a promotion is to take place under certain conditions only, e.g. you give particular discounts like value, percent or discounts in kind ("buy three, pay two" etc.). The discount type could e.g. depend on the purchased quantity or the total sales price.

While a promotion is active, the defined options apply to all included items. After the promotion has ended, the original item price applies again. The promotion turnovers can be stored and printed separately.

This document is divided into the following chapters:

Configuration of Promotions

Items are assigned in Groups, i.e. every group of a promotion contains assigned Promotional Items. You can either activate the same options for all assigned groups or activate individual options for each group.

If the defined conditions are met the customer is given the preset discount or special price.

In addition to the groups of a promotion in which the items are collated, groups can be collected into so-called Elements. If the conditions of the groups have been met, the element conditions are considered to be met. However, the customer is given the promotion price or the discount only after the conditions of all elements of a promotion have been met.

By assigning groups and elements in connection with the various promotion types, you can arrange promotions in very variable ways.

The following diagram shows the possible structure of a promotion:

In the following, you will find descriptions of different sales transactions, according to the promotion pictured above.

1st Example
(Use the Diagram to understand the following examples)

The customer buys:
6 x Warsteiner
3 x Jack Daniel's

The predefined sales quantity has been reached in one group of each element. Therefore, the conditions of both elements have been met. The customer is given the corresponding discount or the reduced sales price.

2nd Example
(Use the Diagram to understand the following examples)

The customer buys:
6 x Warsteiner
1 x Budweiser

The predefined sales quantity has been reached in both groups of the element "Beer". However, the predefined sales quantity has not been reached in any of the groups whisky and vodka, i.e. the conditions of the element "Liquor" have not been met. Therefore, the customer is not given any discount.

3rd Example
(Use the Diagram to understand the following examples)

The customer buys:
6 x Warsteiner
1 x Budweiser
2 x Four Roses
3 x Jack Daniel's

The predefined sales quantity has been reached and doubled in all groups. Therefore, the conditions of all elements have been met, and the customer is given the double discount.

4th Example
(Use the Diagram to understand the following examples)

The customer buys
12 x Warsteiner
2 x Four Roses
3 x Smirnoff

The predefined sales quantity has been reached and doubled in the group "Bottle Beer", therefore, the conditions of the element "Beer" have been met. The sale of the item Four Roses meets the quantity condition of the group "Whisky" and therefore the conditions of the element "Liquor". By the sale of the item Smirnoff, the sales quantity of the group "Liquor" has been reached a second time, therefore the conditions of the element "Liquor" have been met a twice. In all, the conditions of both elements of the promotion have been met twice, and the customer is given the double discount.

Further Examples of Promotions

Price Promotion

The item Cola (normal price 1,69) costs 1,49 for the time of the promotion.

Update program Promotions:

  1. Select the company, promotion, descriptor, start/end date as required.
  2. Select "Price Promotion" in the field Type
  3. Define an element no. with a descriptor for the purchased items.
  4. Save your entries.
  5. Open the update program Groups

Update program Groups

Extra Price per Piece from a particular Quantity up

The item 5 "Orange Juice" costs 1,10 per piece. If the item is sold with a quantity of 6 pieces, the price per piece is reduced to 1.00.

Update program Promotions:

Update program Groups

Discount for linked Items

When buying a bottle of whisky and a crate of Cola, the customer is given a 3,- discount.

Update program Promotions:

Update program Groups: Definition for every created element.

Percent Discount for particular Quantities (Mix/Match) [10% discount on each of 5 purchased items]

The item list of this promotion contains the items "Whisky" (price: 20,-) and "Rum" (10,-). Disc. percent = 10. Quantity = 5.

As soon as five items of this group (no matter in which combination) are purchased, the customer is given a discount of 10% on each item, e.g.:

Whisky = 20.00
Whisky = 20.00
Whisky = 20.00
Whisky = 20.00
Rum = 10.00
Discount = 9.00 (10% of 90,-)
Whisky = 20.00
Discount = 1.00 (10% of (20-10))

According to the best price principle, the customer is given a discount for the more expensive whisky instead of the cheaper rum. On the rum itself, there will be no discount, since it is the 6th sold item from this group but the discount applies only to precisely 5 sold items. A further discount could be achieved by purchasing a total of 10 positions from this item group.

Update program Promotions:

Update program Groups

Value Discount for particular Quantities (Mix/Match) [1,- discount on each of 5 purchased items]

The customer buys precisely 5 bottles of whisky (different brands allowed) and is given a discount of 1,- per item.

Update program Promotions:

Update program Groups

Value Discount per Piece for particular Quantities (Mix/Match) [1,- discount on at least 5 purchased items]

The customer buys at least 5 bottles of whisky (different brands allowed) and is given a discount of 1,- per item.

Update program Promotions:

Update program Groups

Percent Discount from a particular Quantity up (Mix/Match) [10% discount on at least 5 purchased items]

The customer buys at least 5 bottles of whisky and is given a discount of 10% per item, i.e. this applies to the 6th, 7th etc. bottle, too.

Update program Promotions:

Update program Groups

Discount in kind from a particular Quantity up

The customer buys five bottles of beer and has to pay for only four.

Update program Promotions:

Update program Groups

Gift for a particular Quantity

The customer buys four beer and is given a free sausage which has to be booked, though (no automatic output).

Update program Promotions:

Update program Groups

Booking: In the sales program, the gift item has to be booked explicitly, too.

Gift for several Products of a Group

The customer buys 2 bottles of whisky (different brands permitted) and is given a bottle of cola as a gift which has to be booked, though.

Update program Promotions:

Update program Groups

Booking: In the sales program, the gift item has to be booked explicitly, too.


If a surcharge is to be booked instead of a discount, you have to activate the option Surcharge in the update program Promotions.

Surcharges cannot be applied to the types "Price Promotion" and "Discount in kind".

Voucher Promotion

With a voucher promotion, the given discount does not reduce the receipt amount but a voucher with the discounted amount will be given.

For voucher promotions, the option Voucher promotion in the update program Promotions has to be activated.

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin