Possible Configuration Settings for TCP/IP Connections in MICROS Retail OSCAR POS

There are the following possibilities for the TCP/IP configuration:

The following environment variables can be set in the files oscar.ini (Windows) or oscar.cf (Linux). The default values are set in brackets. In Linux, you have to export them by use of the command "export" if necessary:

Retry values define the maximum number of repetition attempts to be made for a data transfer with a LAN or WAN connection.. (3/5) for  WanRetry means that the default value for the connection monitoring (3) differs from the normal data transfer (5). Time-out values and interleave values are to be entered in milliseconds.

The values have the following meaning:

Number of milliseconds after which a transfer without confirmation has failed in a LAN connection.

Same as above, for a WAN connection.

Same as above, for the connection establishment within a WAN connection

Number of repetitions after which a transfer in the LAN is understood as finally failed.

Same as above, for WAN connections.

Defines the number of milliseconds a program is to wait for monitoring the connections within the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS network (so-called. Ping Client) between two activity queries for active connections.

same as above, for inactive connections.

The decision if a connection is a LAN or a WAN connection is made by use of the network address that is revealed by the environment variable MICROS Retail OSCAR POS_SERVER. MICROS Retail OSCAR POS assumes a division into A, B and C classes:

Class A = (Netmask:
Addresses that begin with values < 128: First position: network address, the rest: sub-address.

Class B = (Netmask:
Addresses that begin with values >= 128 and < 192: First and second position: network address; the rest: sub-address.

Class C = (Netmask:
Addresses that begin with values >= 192: First three positions: network address; last position: sub-address.

It is expressly to be pointed out that there is no access to the Netmask value, i.e. you can divide a network into separate sub-networks on the operating system level by use of an appropriate selection of the Netmask. However, the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application would not notice this.

For the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS release 1.4, it is intended to make the Netmask value entry possible via the environment variable MICROS Retail OSCAR POS_NETMASK. In this case, the default value will be the result value from the classes A, B and C (, or

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin