C R Operators and Functions Supported by Oracle R Enterprise

The Oracle R Enterprise packages support many R operators and functions that you can use with Oracle R Enterprise objects. This appendix lists the R operators and functions that Oracle R Enterprise supports.

The Oracle R Enterprise sample programs described in "Oracle R Enterprise Examples" include several examples using each category of these functions with Oracle R Enterprise data types.

You are not restricted to using this list of functions. If a specific function that you need is not supported by Oracle R Enterprise, you can pull data from the database into the R engine memory using ore.pull to create an in-memory R object first, and use any R function.

The following operators and functions are supported. See R documentation for syntax and semantics of these operators and functions. Syntax and semantics for these items are unchanged when used on a corresponding database-mapped data type (also known as an Oracle R Enterprise data type). For a list of Oracle R Enterprise data types, see "Transparency Layer Support for R Data Types and Classes".

  • Mathematical transformations: abs, sign, sqrt, ceiling, floor, trunc, cummax, cummin, cumprod, cumsum, log, loglo, log10, log2, log1p, acos, acosh, asin, asinh, atan, atanh, exp, expm1, cos, cosh, sin, sinh, tan, atan2, tanh, gamma, lgamma, digamma, trigamma, factorial, lfactorial, round, signif, pmin, pmax, zapsmall, rank, diff, besselI, besselJ, besselK, besselY

  • Basic statistics: mean, summary, min, max, sum, any, all, median, range, IQR, fivenum, mad, quantile, sd, var, table, tabulate, rowSums, colSums, rowMeans, colMeans, cor, cov

  • Arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, ^, %%, %/%

  • Comparison operators: ==, >, <, !=, <=, >=

  • Logical operators: &, |, xor

  • Set operations: unique, %in%, subset

  • String operations: tolower, toupper, casefold, toString, chartr, sub, gsub, substr, substring, paste, nchar, grepl

  • Combine Data Frame: cbind, rbind, merge

  • Combine vectors: append

  • Vector creation: ifelse

  • Subset selection: [, [[, $, head, tail, window, subset, Filter, na.omit, na.exclude, complete.cases

  • Subset replacement: [<-, [[<-, $<-

  • Data reshaping: split, unlist

  • Data processing: eval, with, within, transform

  • Apply variants: tapply, aggregate, by

  • Special value checks: is.na, is.finite, is.infinite, is.nan

  • Metadata functions: nrow, NROW, ncol, NCOL, nlevels, names, names<-, row, col, dimnames, dimnames<-, dim, length, row.names, row.names<-, rownames, rownames<-, colnames, levels, reorder

  • Graphics: arrows, boxplot, cdplot, co.intervals, coplot, hist, identify, lines, matlines, matplot, matpoints, pairs, plot, points, polygon, polypath, rug, segments, smoothScatter, sunflowerplot, symbols, text, xspline, xy.coords

  • Conversion functions: as.logical, as.integer, as.numeric, as.character, as.vector, as.factor, as.data.frame

  • Type check functions: is.logical, is.integer, is.numeric, is.character, is.vector, is.factor, is.data.frame

  • Character manipulation: nchar, tolower, toupper, casefold, chartr, sub, gsub, substr

  • Other ore.frame functions: data.frame, max.col, scale

  • Hypothesis testing: binom.test, chisq.test, ks.test, prop.test, t.test, var.test, wilcox.test

  • Various Distributions: Density, cumulative distribution, and quantile functions for standard distributions

  • ore.matrix function: show, is.matrix, as.matrix, %*% (matrix multiplication), t, crossprod (matrix cross-product), tcrossprod (matrix cross-product A times transpose of B), solve (invert), backsolve, forwardsolve, all appropriate mathematical functions (abs, sign, and so on), summary (max, min, all, and so on), mean