5 PowerShell Commands

In Windows Server 2008 R2, Microsoft introduced a set of failover cluster PowerShell commands (cmdlets) as the preferred scripting tool for managing failover clusters. PowerShell is the new command and scripting language offered by Microsoft and intends to replace the old command (CMD) environment used in the past. The new failover cluster cmdlets have replaced the old command line utility, CLUSTER.EXE, which might not be available in the future releases of Windows Server. Oracle now provides a new set of PowerShell cmdlets that has also replaced the old FSCMD.EXE utility.

The PowerShell cmdlets can be used on server systems, such as Windows Server 2012 R2, or on client systems, like Windows 8.1. The Microsoft failover cluster cmdlets are added to a server when the failover cluster feature is added to the system. The failover cluster cmdlets can be added to a client system by installing the Remote Server Administration Tools package available in Microsoft. Oracle Fail Safe cmdlets are installed as part of the Oracle Fail Safe Manager installation component.

Getting Started

To start a basic PowerShell session on a system that already has PowerShell installed, perform the following steps:
  1. Click Start.

  2. Click Accessories and then click Windows PowerShell.

  3. Double-click Windows PowerShell. This starts a basic PowerShell session with the standard cmdlets loaded.

A group of related cmdlets are packaged in a container called a module. Before using the cmdlets that are specific to failover clusters, load them into the PowerShell session using the Import-Module cmdlet. Use the following command to load the failover clusters module.

PS C:\Users\admin> Import-Module FailoverClusters

To load the Oracle Fail Safe cmdlets, run the following command:

PS C:\Users\admin> Import-Module FailSafe

A PowerShell module also contains a link to the descriptions of the commands that it contains. After loading the module, find out what cmdlets are contained in the module and display the help text describing each of the cmdlets.

For example, to see what cmdlets are provided by the FailSafe module, type the following command:

PS C:\Users\Admin> Get-Command -Module FailSafe
CommandType      Name                            Definition
-----------      ----                            ----------
Cmdlet           Add-OracleClusterResource       Add-OracleClusterResource [[...
Cmdlet           Get-OracleClusterResource       Get-OracleClusterResource [[...
Cmdlet           Remove-OracleClusterResource    Remove-OracleClusterResource...
Cmdlet           Stop-OracleClusterDatabase      Stop-OracleClusterDatabase [...
Cmdlet           Test-OracleCluster              Test-OracleCluster [[-Name] ...
Cmdlet           Test-OracleClusterAvailableD... Test-OracleClusterAvailableD...
Cmdlet           Test-OracleClusterGroup         Test-OracleClusterGroup [[-N...

To get basic information about all cmdlets that contain the string “cluster", use the following command:

PS C:\Users\Admin> Get-Help cluster
Name                              Category  Synopsis
----                              --------  --------
Add-OracleClusterResource         Cmdlet    Adds an Oracle resource to a fai...
Get-OracleClusterResource         Cmdlet    Gets an Oracle resource object
Remove-OracleClusterResource      Cmdlet    Removes an Oracle cluster resour...
Stop-OracleClusterDatabase        Cmdlet    Stops an Oracle database
Test-OracleCluster                Cmdlet    Verifies the installation and co...
Test-OracleClusterAvailableDat... Cmdlet    Verifies the configuration of an...
Test-OracleClusterGroup           Cmdlet    Verifies the configuration of Or...
Add-ClusterDisk                   Cmdlet    Make a new disk available for us...
Add-ClusterFileServerRole         Cmdlet    Create a clustered file server (...

To get information specific to a particular cmdlet specify the cmdlet name to Get-Help.

Example 5-1 Get-OracleClusterResource

PS C:\Users\Admin> Get-Help Get-OracleClusterResource


    Gets an Oracle resource object.

    Get-OracleClusterResource [[-Name] <String>] [-Available] [-InputObject <PS
    Object>] [-Cluster <String>] [-Credential <PSCredential>] [<CommonParameter

    This cmdlet will return an Oracle cluster resource object or objects based
    on the input provided.


    To see the examples, type: "get-help Get-OracleClusterResource -examples".
    For more information, type: "get-help Get-OracleClusterResource -detailed".
    For technical information, type: "get-help Get-OracleClusterResource -full".

About Common Parameters

Oracle Fail Safe cmdlets displays the same progress information that is shown in the Oracle Fail Safe Manager progress dialog output box for the same operation. However, for the output to be displayed the -Verbose switch must be specified.

PS C:\Users\Admin > Test-OracleClusterGroup “Test Group" -Verbose
VERBOSE: FS-10371: FSWIN3 : Performing initialization processing
VERBOSE: FS-10371: FSWIN4 : Performing initialization processing
VERBOSE: FS-10373: FSWIN3 : Determining owner node of resource

To run a cmdlet on a different cluster, the -Cluster parameter must be added to a command. This is mandatory for running a cmdlet on a Windows client system that only has the Oracle Fail Safe Manager component installed. For example, to show the Oracle cluster resources on a cluster named “FinanceCluster" use the following command:

PS C:\Users\Admin > Get-OracleClusterResource -Cluster FinanceCluster
Name                          State                         Group
----                          -----                         -----
OracleOraDb11g_home1TNSLis... Online                        Receivables
OracleOraDb12c_home1TNSLis... Online                        Payables
ReceivablesDb                 Online                        Receivables
PayablesDb                    Online                        Payables

Some commands are not expected to be used as pipeline input. Thus running these commands does not send an object to the pipeline. To force the command to write the target object to the output pipeline stream, use the -PassThru switch. For example, the following command does not send any objects to the pipeline.

PS C:\Users\Admin> Get-ClusterGroup | Test-OracleClusterGroup

Adding the -PassThru switch forces the cluster group objects to be sent to the pipeline.

PS C:\Users\Admin> Get-ClusterGroup | Test-OracleClusterGroup -PassThru
Name                                    OwnerNode
----                                    ---------
Test Group                              Node1
Cluster Group                           Node2
Available Storage                       Node2

Using the Oracle Fail Safe cmdlets in Scripts

Some Oracle Fail Safe cmdlets will prompt the user for confirmation before proceeding. For example, the Test-OracleClusterAvailableDatabase cmdlet discovers that the specified database instance is not running and asks if the instance can be started. This is not a problem in an interactive session, but when running a script, the confirmation prompt receives the next command line in the script, and that may cause the script to fail. PowerShell provides different methods to address this situation. One way to avoid prompts is to specify the "-Confirm:$false" parameter in a command. When that qualifier is present, no confirmation prompt is displayed and the cmdlet proceeds without interruption. In the following example, the first command causes a confirmation prompt to be displayed while the second command that includes "-Confirm:$false", proceeds without asking the user if the database may be started.

PS C:\Users\Admin> Test-OracleClusterAvailableDatabase TestDb
WARNING: FS-10349: Database instance OFS3 is not alive. Do you want to stop and
restart the database instance?

Are you sure you want to perform this action?
Performing operation "Test-OracleClusterAvailableDatabase" on Target "TestDb".
[Y] Yes  [A] Yes to All  [N] No  [L] No to All  [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is
"Y"): N
WARNING: FS-10340: Database instance OFS3 is not started and therefore cannot be
fully verified.
PS C:\Users\Admin> Test-OracleClusterAvailableDatabase TestDb –Confirm:$false

Another way to prevent confirmation prompts is to set the default response variable, $ConfirmPreference. You can set this variable to the lowest level that requires confirmation (“high", “medium", “low" or “none"). For example, most Oracle Fail Safe cmdlets are known to have a high impact on system operations. Therefore for Oracle Fail Safe cmdlets to be confirmed automatically, you must set the $ConfirmPreference variable to “none", as shown below.

PS C:\Users\Admin> $ConfirmPreference="none"
PS C:\Users\Admin> Test-OracleClusterAvailableDatabase TestDb

Some commands, such as the Stop-OracleClusterDatabase command are always expected to prompt for confirmation before proceeding. This cmdlet provides a -Force switch that can be used to prevent a confirmation prompt.

PS C:\Users\Admin> Stop-OracleClusterDatabase TestDb -Force

FSCMD Equivalent cmdlets

The following table lists FSCMD.EXE commands and the Oracle Fail Safe PowerShell cmdlet(s) that can be used to accomplish the same task.

FSCMD.EXE Command PowerShell Command


(Get-OracleClusterResource <db name>).IsAliveEnabled=$false


(Get-OracleClusterResource <db name>).IsAliveEnabled=$true






Stop-ClusterResource or Stop-OracleClusterDatabase












When operating system (OS) authentication is not enabled for a cluster or a database, you must provide a user name and password for the database. The Test-OracleClusterAvailableDatabase cmdlet provides the -SysPwd parameter for specifying the password for the database SYS account. Note that the password is obtained from the user by running the Read-Host cmdlet.

PS C:\Users\Admin> Test-OracleClusterAvailableDatabase TestDb -SysPwd (Read-Host
-AsSecureString -Prompt "SYS Password")
SYS password: ****

When adding an Oracle resource, depending on the resource type, the resource may or may not have a user name and password property. For a database resource, if OS authentication is not being used, the user name and password must be set in the resource before it is added to a cluster group.

PS C:\Users\Admin> $testdb = Get-OracleClusterResource TestDb -Available
PS C:\Users\Admin> $testdb.UserName="SYS"
PS C:\Users\Admin> $testdb.Password=Read-Host -AsSecureString -Prompt "SYS
SYS Password: ****
PS C:\Users\Admin> $testdb | Add-OracleClusterResource -Group FsTutorial

By using the pipeline capabilities of PowerShell you can link together various commands.

In the following example, all Oracle resources are first fetched, then the databases selected from that list, and finally the databases are stopped using the immediate mode.

PS C:\Users\Admin> Get-OracleClusterResource |
>> where {($_.Type -ieq "Oracle Database")} |
>> Stop-OracleClusterDatabase -Mode Immediate –Force