Search Orders Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to search for pickup, delivery, or ship to store orders across the enterprise, regardless of where they originated, where they were assigned for fulfillment, and whether they’re still open. From this screen, you can advance to other screens where you can review detail and history for an order.

How to display this screen: Select Find Orders at the Home screen.

Completing this screen: Enter any search criteria, described below, and click Search to advance to the View Orders Across Locations Screen if there are any orders that match your search criteria.

For more information: See:

         Viewing All Orders Across the Enterprise for a brief overview

         Why are the order search results different from my search criteria?

         Why is a customer’s name, address, and other information replaced by asterisks? 


To Search:

Order Number

Enter a full or partial number to display orders only if they start with or match your entry. Not case-sensitive for searching; for example, an entry of A or A matches an order number of A12345.

Your entries in the phone number, email address, last name, first name, and company fields are used to find orders based on the sold-to Customer who placed the order.

Phone Number

Enter a full or partial number to display orders for customers whose primary (typically, daytime) phone numbers start with or match your entry. Not case-sensitive for searching; for example, an entry of H or h matches a phone number of H (555-0100).

Note:  You don’t need to enter formatting in addition to numbers. For example, you can enter 5085550100 rather than (508) 555-0100.

Email Address

Enter a full or partial email address to display orders for customers whose email addresses start with or match your entry.

Last Name

Enter a full or partial last name to display orders for customers whose last names start with or match your entry. Not case-sensitive for searching; for example, an entry of A or A matches a last name of Adams.

First Name

Enter a full or partial first name to display orders for customers whose first names start with or match your entry. Not case-sensitive for searching; for example, an entry of A or A matches a first name of Adam.


Enter a full or partial company name to display orders for customers whose company names start with or match your entry. Not case-sensitive for searching; for example, an entry of S or s matches a company name of Sample Company.


Enter or select a date:

         without a later To Date: to display orders only if they were initially created from that date till the current date

         with a later To Date: to display orders initially created from that date till the To Date

Note:  This is the date that the originating system assigned to the order, and may be different from the date when the order or line was created in Store Connect.

To Date 

Enter or select a “to” date:

         without an earlier “from” Date: to display orders only if they were initially created on that date or earlier

         with an earlier “from” Date: to display orders initially created from the “from” date till the To Date

Note:  This is the date that the originating system assigned to the order, and may be different from the date when the order or line was created in Store Connect.

Multiple creation dates? If an order includes items that were added on different dates, then the order is included in the search results based on the earliest date when an item was ordered.

For example, an order was created on 6/28 for item A, and then item B was added on 6/30. If the range of dates in your search includes 6/28, the order is included in the search results; however, if the range of dates in your search includes 6/30 but not 6/28, the order isn’t included.

Order Type

Select an Order Type to display orders only of the selected type. Defaults to All Order Types.

Originating Location

Select a location to display orders only if they originated in that location. Defaults to All Locations.

Fulfilling Location

Select a location to display orders only if at least one item on the order is assigned to that location for fulfillment. Defaults to All Locations.

Note:  Orders are included in the results if they are currently assigned to the selected location, or if they were assigned to that location when they were closed. Orders are not included in the results if they were assigned to the location at one point, but then rejected and assigned to a different location.

