Confirm Receive Window

Purpose: Use this window to confirm that you have received one or more in transit items on a ship-to-store order, or on multiple ship to store orders.

Click Receive: When you click Receive at this window, this:

         Confirms that you have received the in transit order or selected item(s)

         Generates the Packing Slip

         Ordinarily generates a notification email to the customer that the order is, or items are, ready for pickup; however, depending on the configuration set up by your system administrator, if there are any additional items on the order that are in transit, the email may be held until all in transit items are received

         Changes the Next Action for the order or selected item(s) to Pick Up

Click Cancel: Click Cancel to return to the previous screen without confirming that you have received the item(s) or order(s).

How to display this window: 

         Click Receive for an item or order at the Receive Order Detail Screen or the View Order Detail Screen

         Click Receive at the bottom of the View Orders Ready to Receive Screen, if you have the required authority

For more information: See Shipping Delivery Orders for background.

