Edit Pickup By Date Window

Purpose: Use this window to set or change the Pickup By Date for a pickup order.

About Pickup By Date: The Pickup By Date indicates the last date to keep the order line open before it is eligible to be canceled automatically. For example, if the Pickup By Date is June 29 and the customer doesn’t pick up the order by then, a job that runs on June 30 cancels the order automatically.

Assigned how? This date is assigned automatically when the order line is picked if Store Connect is set up for auto-cancellation of unclaimed orders, based on the number of days specified by your systems administrator.

When you pick an order line, an email notifies the customer that the ordered item is ready for pickup, and notes the last date before the line would be canceled automatically if the customer doesn’t pick it up.

When would you change the Pickup By Date? You might need to change the Pickup By Date if:

         The order was created before auto-cancellation was configured in Store Connect, and you would like the order to be eligible for auto-cancellation.

         The customer requests that you keep the order line open past the currently assigned Pickup By Date, to provide more time to pick it up.

How to display: This window opens when you click the calendar icon (calendar_icon.png) in the Pickup By Date column at the View Order Detail Screen, View Order Information Screen, and Pick Up Order Detail Screen.

Window available when? This window is available for items on a pickup order that have been picked but not yet picked up or canceled, provided auto-cancellation is configured in Store Connect.

Fields in this window: This window displays:

         Item: The item code on the order line, and the description of the item. Display-only.

         Pickup By Date: The last date before the order line is eligible for automatic cancellation. For example, if the Pickup By Date is June 29 and the customer doesn’t pick up the order by then, a job that runs on June 30 cancels the order automatically.

The Pickup By Date is required, and must be in the future.

Completing this window: Select the last date before the line should be canceled automatically, and select Save. The date must be in the future, and is required. Otherwise, select Cancel to exit the window without setting the Pickup By Date.

After you complete this window: 

         The Pickup By Date displayed on the screen is updated to your entry.

         Store Connect:

         Generates a pickup reminder email to the customer, indicating the new Pickup By Date.

         Writes a message to the order’s history indicating the new Pickup By Date. This message is displayed at the View Order History Screen screen.

