Estimated Weight and Dimensions Window

Purpose: Use this window to enter the shipping weight and box dimensions for the shipment of a delivery order. This information is required when you use integrated shipping.

Completing this window: 

1.      In the Box Weight field, enter the weight of the shipment. Your entry must be a number with no more than two decimal places (for example, 12.34).

2.      In the Box field, define the dimensions of the box. The box flagged as the default defaults if it is defined; otherwise, Irregular Size defaults.Select a predefined box size, or choose Irregular Size to manually define the Length, Width, and Height of the box. When manually defining the box dimensions, your entry must be a number between 0.01 and 999.99 with no more than two decimal places (for example, 10.55).

3.      Click Ship.

After you complete this window: 

         The Shipment Label window opens with the generated label so you can print it.

         The system:

         Confirms that you have shipped the order or selected item(s)

         Closes the order or selected item(s) and removes the order or item(s) from all Store Connect order processing screens

         Typically, either Store Connect or the originating system generates a shipment notification email, depending on configuration

How to display: This window opens when you click Ship at the Ship Order Window (Integrated Shipping).

Troubleshooting: See:

         Why can’t I print the shipping label?

         Why is there an error related to the shipping address?

         Why is there an error related to the carrier?

For more information: See Shipping Delivery Orders for background.

