Convert Catalog Request History (CCRH)

Purpose: Use this option to create Catalog Request History records based on the existing Catalog Request records in your company. This table provides an historical record of catalog requests within your company, even after you have purged outdated catalog requests. You can include this information in reports, such as the Campaign Performance Report; see Print Campaign Performance Reports (PCPR) for more information.

When to use: You do not ordinarily need to use this option unless you have existing catalog requests created before the initial 1.0 release of Oracle Retail Order Management System or you have imported data from a different order management system, since catalog requests created in release 1.0 or later automatically create Catalog Request History records.

Recreating records: You might also use this menu option if you inadvertently used the Purge Catalog Request History (PCRH) option to purge existing records; however, the conversion option can create new Catalog Request History records only for existing Catalog Request records, so if you have deleted any catalog requests since the Catalog Request History records were created, the totals will not be consistent.

How to display this screen: Enter CCRH in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Convert Catalog Request History from a menu.

Completing this screen: Select Accept to submit the CVT_CATHST job. This job creates a record in the Catalog Request History table for each date when you created one or more catalog requests for a source code in your company.

Note: The total number of requests is incremented for each individual request, regardless of the number of copies for each request. For example, if there were two requests for source code SRC123 on July 7, each for a quantity of 5, the total number of requests is 2, not 10.

CS11_05 OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN